Rachel Quinton (Rsquinton)

Ride Apprentice from New York

67 year old woman
15 Rider

I was in an Uber in nyc & the driver ACCUSED me of stealing his Uber license, he said it fell into a bouquet of flowers  & then told me I was being respectful to him. He was young I am old. He then called police and had the police come into restaurant, as we are celebrating a 74th birthday party & took flowers & looked for license.   He then stalked me for close to an hour before he retreated.  Uber needs to inform drivers that the driver is supposed to be respectful not to expect bad behavior being accepted.


Posts by Rsquinton

    {{ ratingSum }}

    Disrepectful uber driver

    Got into an uber as a passanger, not the person who put request into uber, i was in front seat …

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