Jeff Rider (DispatchedDriver)

Ride Apprentice from Palm Beach, FL

daily life of the "Gig Economy" Rideshare business
-5 Driver

I drive my car to where you requested ...


Posts by DispatchedDriver

Comments by DispatchedDriver

  • I posted on this site to give information to anyone interested in Riding or Driving for TRYP.
    I do not have all the answers up front, but from the facts given they will offer a 3rd option, competition and maybe better.
    When UBER and Lyft started no one knew how things would turn out and they gave it chance(s). However people seem to have made the answer to their questions before they truly can be answered in a working option.

    You (momof4) seem to spend a lot of time on this website (71 posts) (471 comments), making very long opinions to questions you would like to hear but give your answer within it - with out opportunity to work in practice.
    You made your comment, your well wishes etc. and yet you continue to spite with out yourself giving it a try.
    As I had said above ... sign up as a Rider and wait to see if you want to Drive. Commission is not the purpose here for me, it's to change the game towards UBER and take away what they have taken from Riders and Drivers in Greed and Lost in mismanagement or overspending hard earned money.

    Opinion your concerns, give your options and ideas and please wait to judge before a chance is given to this.

  • See my reply below, and my mistake that I didn't click on your name to view your profile - I Apologize for that.

  • I think you need to wait and learn from the website as you may have done on UBER and Lyft's website to decide what you want to do. To pay $199 after 30 days of using an app that makes you 100% of the Fare and Tips is a no brainer to what you pay per drive to the other Rideshare companies in that 30 day period.
    As for your other questions, the same answer above ... you'll need to wait and learn for yourself. Others have paid the Driver set up fees and await the launch of the app. knowing it's not refundable but they're wanting to make 100% of the Ride fare and Tips.

    People have opinions and options and its a person to person choice.

  • TRYP is not active in any market at this time. will allow you to sign up as a Rider and get information of launch in your area. If you want to be a Driver you can sign up as a Rider and then upgrade to Driver once area is LIVE and in need of Drivers. If you pay the fee today for on boarding as a Driver, it is not yet known when a market with go LIVE. And even though your money will be held and ready for that time, I would wait and have that money available to you now for other things. 

  • Rates have not yet been determined until Markets go Live and area rates by the other Rideshare Companies are looked at.
    New Drivers, Uber and Lyft Drivers will have the chance to Drive for TRYP if they pass all required application steps.
    Background checks will be done by an Independent source that is approved by all States TRYP is permitted to drive in.
    Fingerprinting is not a requirement by the US Government or State agencies, Civil Rights are argued for privacy reasons.
    (A side note to think about, if Drivers need fingerprinting for safety concerns etc. shouldn't Riders also be fingerprinted and vetted? Would a Driver want to be in danger by driving a criminal to a location or worse be killed? Just this week a Pregnant woman was stabbed by her Lyft Rider in AZ. it's a debated and valid topic, but it's not practical for consumers or vendors to have that resource in play.)
    Policy on Driver and Rider disputes are not available at this time to disclose.
    Customer Service will be provided at the TRYP Offices in California, no policy yet on how online and phone will be done.
    Airport approval is a site to site deal, it's not universal ... so if an Airport only allows certain transport companies, TRYP will comply.
    Marketing and Advertising is not set until the approved markets have a Driver sign up quota to launch.
    Overall, TRYP is a Tech Software business it will provide the introduction to Rider and Driver, It is up to each individual to make their ride enjoyable and safe ... Uber, Lyft and any other Rideshare has a set of standards it would like each Independent contractor to follow.
    Your expectations of TRYP being better will be on a person to person level and if you like the Drivers overall service, you will be able to request them if the Driver is on a by demand and scheduled setup for themselves.
    Riders use Uber and Lyft to see who at that time will have a better rate at time of request (shopping for a deal) because the Drivers are random ... the experience is not always 100% great. Drivers use both apps to wait for the first come first served ping to make money. TRYP will be an alternative for both Rider and Driver to use. Like Cell phone providers, who offers the best service, phones, price and coverage ... You will have another choice as a Rider, and as a Driver you will have another Ping opportunity and at a faster serve rate than being with just one rideshare app. - I think this covers all of your questions ... ?

  • I don't check this post 24/7, just once a week ... and he has MANY Questions ...

  • $199 fee is to use the app and be introduced to a requesting Rider, your merchant account is covered in that fee, so when you get paid it's the amount from the billed ride you have given.

    The first 8 months, will be like it was when Lyft and Uber started … TRYP will be marketing and doing Press to get the word out and people will be testing and trying to see if the rates and drivers are any better. Rates will be that of the 2 other apps but just below to compete and offer something better like current riders do with Lyft vs. Uber rates at time of request.

    This is a start up with that Drivers have wanted all along … that people think this is going to be better than Uber and Lyft from the start are lost in their own evils of not working another type of job.

    I'm not sure what the check and balance will be on ratings and Driver/Rider opinions ... the app has not been out in the open for review, it's being tested by a group of drivers and riders in an area that is real time rideshare requests.

    Give this an oppertuniy to grow and become what the 2 founders have set fourth in starting this .. to make Drivers run their own business and not by the other 2 apps currently in play.