Rocky Shifflett (RockyShifflett)

Ride Apprentice



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Comments by RockyShifflett

  • I know this is so late as this post is a year old, but I just saw this and read your comment. You literally sound like the most normal human being ever. That's a compliment. What I mean is, the way you handle yourself is what is expected out of every single human, even though sadly most humans are flawed in this subject and think they're the king or queen of their fantasy kingdom :P. I'm glad I saw this forum and saw your reply. I wish more people had the understanding you have. Especially in certain situations. For example, my career is in restaurant management and customer service management and I've been in the field for over a decade. What really upsets me is when something small may happen or someone might not make a mistake at all but whatever happened infuriates a customer. Let's say someone asked for an extra salsa for their party and chips and salsa are free and are given right as you are seated. Let's also add on to this scenario and say it's super busy as well. So the table asks for an extra salsa, gets the one but the server forgot or maybe the kitchen forgot to ring in or serve the extra dish of salsa. Most people would shrug it off and maybe just ask again or not as they would notice it's super busy, but you get a lady who is just so pissed the server didn't bring the extra salsa. That lady will ask to speak with me and she will bitch about it and I'd most likely comp a meal or something, but the lady takes it to a whole other level and contacts corporate to complain. Let's go back and see, the server who was waiting on them is a 18 year old single mom who works 3 jobs to support herself and her child and takes classes every night at the community college. She depends on this job, but you get this lady who bitches to corporate, I get a call from corporate giving me an order to reprimand the employee and fire her... People will complain about the smallest, most petty crap. They're the world's most selfish  people and not once did that lady think about why maybe it was forgotten or maybe it was so busy that the salsa ticket was in, but because of the busy-ness, it had yet to reach the window. None of that crossed her mind. She did not ONCE think about how her actions (complaining) about such a small thing would impact the waitress and because of the ladys selfishness, that server is now down a job, can't afford rent, can't afford school or day care, etc. 

    I live in a very afuent area. The county I live in is the richest in the whole country and rich white folk (I'm white as well, not that it matters) run rampant here and the scenario I just described, happened on the daily, if not multiple times a day. I absolutely hate it. If you go an hour or 2 south, you would never hear  about such a thing. Rich city people suck ass; are stingy and selfish to the MAX!! 

    Sorry for the length.... I just had to rant.