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Posts by TakLaw

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Comments by TakLaw

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Accident after been dropped off at Incorrect Location

    Drunk or not, rideshare rider or not, no driver should be dropping two women off at a random address just because they pick a fight (especially if they've had a few).  Putting two women alone in an unfamiliar place in the middle of the night is just serving them up on a platter.  

    My questions are 1) why did your friend take off without you? and 2) why can't you just ask her to show you her uber app to see what address was entered?  

    Unless you actually did mistakenly put in the address where you were dropped, assuming you put in your correct address, you certainly may have a claim against Uber for its driver's negligence which resulted in your injuries.  But question #3 is what kind of accident/fall was it?  If you were assaulted, there may be a case.  It sounds like you tripped and fell, in which case proving you wouldn't have tripped if you'd been dropped off at the right address will be a harder sell (though you could certainly argue you are familiar with your own neighborhood and would not have stumbled).  Either way, you would need some solid witnesses to piece it together better since you don't have any personal memory.  Merely saying your friend left you and you were healthy and twenty minutes later you were in an ambulance does not tie it closely enough to Uber to show any "but for" causation.