Joseph Beers (mrjbeers)

Ride Apprentice


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Comments by mrjbeers

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  Uber still punishes for declining January 2020

    My acceptance rating is ~40%.  Never have I experienced anything you are complaining about.  I seldom accept a trip more then 6 minutes from where I am at.  We are not paid for deadhead miles or time, the more time you spend traveling to a trip the less paid time and miles you can perform.  Simply put short trips are better for several reasons.  1.  The keep you in densely populated areas where you are going to get more offers with shorter travel distance and time.  2.  Getting a minimum fair of $3 is going to pay you more for your time and per mile average.  3.  You tip percentage will be monumentally higher on short trips as people typically tip $1, 3, or 5 no matter how long the trip was.  4.  It is easier to maintain a positive vide through a short trip.  This job is all about low margin, high volume.  You can't make the volume driving empty to trips far away.  Deadhead miles and time are profit killers.  Who cares if you get long trip to some far flung suburb if you have to drive all the way back to the densely populated area EMPTY to get another trip.