Rick McPhalsworth (rickmcfal)

Ride Apprentice from Denver, CO

3 Rider


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Comments by rickmcfal

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    So this post has given me some insight on why I dropped from a 4.89 to a 4.84 after a recent bunch of rides in San Francisco that I thought went very well, but apparently the drivers disagreed. I never make the driver wait, never eat in the car, never slam the door, never leave trash in the car. I always greet the driver and exchange a few pleasantries before getting down to business about my destination. I always tip (in the app) and always rate 5 stars. I'd only give a lower rating if the ride was utterly horrible, which has never happened. 

    Here's the problem: I am busy. My job requires me to be on the phone a lot (emailing or texting, not talking), and an Uber ride is the perfect time to get some of my email backlog out of the way. Bottom line: I am not in your car to socialize with you. I am there because I need a ride to my destination. If you consider that "really awkward and super rude," then maybe you should be in a different line of work. This has been an enlightening experience that will certainly push me toward using taxis as my #1 choice, Lyft #2, Uber #3 if at all. Taxis suck, but at least the drivers tend not to get their feelings hurt because a passenger just needs to be a PASSENGER rather than a social companion.