Matthew Castleberry (MattC)

Ride Apprentice

54 Rider Driver


Posts by MattC

Comments by MattC

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  Is Uber sending the closest driver? Not necessarily!

    I agree those drivers can be jerks. Never posted on there. Wouldn't waste my time. Most whine and complain. The others brag and think they know it all. I Love those drivers that always brag how much more they make then another driver. The more they brag the less likely they are making what they say. 

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     4 years ago in  How do you politely tell a Uber driver to slow down?

    Politely, please slow down. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  How do you politely tell a Uber driver to slow down?

    Was the driver speeding or you are just uncomfortable going 65/70mph? If driver is doing speed limit you cant really expect them to slow down. Remember many drivers have experience, know how to be safe on road, drive at their comfortable pace (hopefully doing the speed limit)if that is the case leave them go. You want your driver to be comfortable also as he or she are operating the vehicle. But if speeding just say, Please slow down.  Usually works unless they are not speeding. Also keep in mind sometimes you might need to go over speed limit if traffic is driving at higher speeds.

  • If its busy they dont shut mine down after 3 declines. I haven't been put on a time out since our acceptance rates dont matter anymore. 

  • Clay claymore not funny, drunk, stupid college kid. Thinks he is funny. His name on the app is probably douche bag.

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     4 years ago in  As a ride share driver, what is your worst nightmare?

    We know thats coming.

  • Damn. They Uber and Lyft should put this pic in their Terms of Service next to the car seat rule. Dont parents understand what can happen? These same parents probably drive their kids in their own car with no car seat. Oh wait they wouldn't want to get a ticket. It's ok for the Uber driver to get one or get deactivated. What do they care, they dont care about their own kids.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  What are ways Uber drivers make money besides driving?

    Maybe some drivers are getting back at riders for giving fake reports to Uber about drivers. Causing them to lose their job, hurt their families because now they cant pay their rent, put food on the table, or pay their utilities. All because dortbags want a free 10.00 ride.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Trip to San Juan for cruise with a family

    How much luggage? I drive XL it fits up to 7 passengers but not much trunk room when all 3 rows have passengers. If its 6 big suitcases may be tight squeeze or not possible. You could do 2 Uber X  cars 3 each car and then you would have room in trunks for luggage. As of April 2018 Uber can drop off at AP but  not pick up. Trying to see if that has changed since then.

  • I have seen nothing positive about this TRYP  anywhere. Momof4 seems like someone was getting annoyed with your questions. Seems like they didnt think to ask any questions themselves. You may have hit a sore spot. Have to agree they are going to have to lower their fare by at least 20% if not more. Dont see this working out for drivers

  • Seems more like she is blaming companies for not enforcing it or doing more about it to prevent it. Perfect example of this is when she reached out to Lyft they gave her a cancel fee but didnt make mom pay it. Lyft paid it. How is that helping the situation. Like she stated Lyft dont suffer consequences either way. Driver has to waste their time driving to pick up and declining ride or driver picks up Lyft collects their fee from ride. If driver decides to take the ride (which isnt the best decision) and gets in accident its their ass in trouble. Lyft wont back driver and insurance wont cover. Where does Lyft lose? Thats why they bury a short statement in their rules. Their out in case of accident. Do you really think either company cares about the driver or their passengers? Of course not their bottom line is the $. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  New Years Resolution for Uber/Lyft Riders! What if????

    I noticed a spike in tips also the past few days. Maybe things will get better. Like you said one can hope.  Just wondering how other drivers make out on Lyft with tips? Although Uber initially started with "no tipping" I find I get more tips driving with Uber. I do drive more Uber than Lyft trips but its rare I get tips from Lyft riders. Any thoughts?

  • Funny you should bring this up as I was just discussing this with a few friends. Some of the bathrooms I've used are absolutely gross. Shit wiped on the wall, seats, trash can. Some people are down right nasty people. Dont understand.  Thanks for the hand washing lesson. Maybe some people will actually learn simething and apply it. Cant believe people out there especially in public bathroom that dont wash their hands. Actually I can believe it dont understand it

  • If I can get it for free I would definately carry it. I dont want anyone dying in my car. As far as getting sued you should be protected by good samaritan laws. Much rather explain to police that I tried to save the rider than I did nothing at all just let him/her die because I was afraid I would get sued. Nasal spray cant be that hard to spray in someone's nose. Lets say your in bumper to bumper traffic rescue cant get to you for 7 min. most likely it will take longer. If EMS can get that person breathing and heart started they will likely be a vegetable after 6 min of no oxygen. How do you sit there watching someone die when all you had to do was squirt some spray in their nose.  These people although they use drugs, they are someones mom, dad, sister, brother, father. Yes some drug addicts are total scumbags but not all are or were. You have no idea why or how they got on drugs or why they use.  Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Suppose this was your family member???? Stop with the excuses (other than the cost) this is someones life. As someone else said in their post momof4 check your city some give naloxone free with training

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    Riders should be rated. Suppose the rider is a jerk. Makes a mess in car, rude, always late, uses foul language etc... By driver rating him that at least gives other drivers a heads up that you may be getting yourself into a really annoying problem some ride. Uber will not deactivate riders although they claim the riders can be. So at least drivers can warn other drivers.

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     5 years ago in  How can I specify a female driver?

    I can understand. My grandmom got a non english speaking driver in Philly. She is 77 yrs old. Driver passed her destination she was trying to explain to him and he couldnt understand her she couldnt understand him. She ended up 7 blocks from destination. I had to go get her. My mom had similar experience. Just asked him to pull over and she walked the 2 blocks. Most times probably not an issue but it can be.

  • Mom of 4 posting on sons phone. I did end up with the Promotion but it was close. It was busy but Uber sent me 7 request 15 to 25 min away 9 or more miles. I didn't accept those as some were not even surged. I declined 2 pool rides until my last trip as it was 3:35. Uber added a second rider with no notification sent that they were adding another rider. Plenty of surges last night but nothing more than 18.00. 9 of 17 rides were surged. Without the surge, promotion, and tips  my pay would've been awful. Only 3 trips were over 20.00. All my trips were short ones and traffic in City was awful. I got out as quick as possible. Thankfully I  only ended up down there 2X. Had a problem with 2 trips I cancelled because those people made me wait. If you can't have the courtesy to text or call after 7 min I am out of there. I don't understand people. It's all about them, too inconsiderate to realize they are wasting drivers time and costing them money. They don't give a damn. Lots of accidents last night. Would be nice if pay was like that every night. It did then out to be a profitable night with low mileage. Hope everyone has a good night. Happy New Year.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    All drivers are not jerks. I maintain a 5.0 as a rider. I am on time most if the time, tip cash, respectful, dont eat in the car, try not to slam door. I do drink water in the car but I ask first. I have yet to have a driver rate me under 5 stars. I've had friends with who get loud on occassion but i always apologoze and tip a little more. When I am late I tip more. I am not trying to pay drivers to rate me 5 stars because in the end I could care less about Uber BS rating system. These are not our cars have respect for the drivers car. If you do something wrong tip the driver for the BS they had to put up with. Your late tip the driver you just cost them money. Be a decent human being. Treat people how you would want to be treated. If you cant do that take a bus where you can act like the self entitled, rude, cheapasses you really are. 

  • Drivers dont need to put things in their trunk for you. Yes its the right thing to do but it is a shared ride service. Anything a driver does beyond being nice and respectful, clean car is an added benefit to rider. There is another post on here where driver avoids a very bad accident. He was tipped 60.00. Although that was very generous yhe riders couldve done less and it still wouldve been appreciated i am sure by the driver. Drivers come in contact with many morons, drunks, careless drivers etc... Why not tip a driver even $2/3 for getting you safely to destination, being respectful, kind, clean car, etc... thats not asking much. 

  • Unless the driver is awful, gets you lost not cause of GPS, or car is dirty and a mess thete should be no reason not to tip the driver.

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