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As an Uber driver, what do you want your customers to know or be aware of?

{{ ratingSum }}
 Posted 5 years, 8 months ago


    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    They can and should tip drivers especially for really short or long trips. Be courteous and respectful. We are not your personal driver. We drive you from point a to point b safely, our car is clean, if we are not rude please give 5 stars. As a driver I dont pick you up with the intention of making you miserable I cant control roads being closed, traffic, that my air freshner isnt a scent you like, GPS being wrong, or Uber app going crazy at times. Drivers cannot read your mind. Not everybody's personalities mesh.  Is it really worth someone losing their job?  Really think about what you are doing when rating your driver. If your job was dependent on stars would you still have a job? Everybody has an off day and you never know what someone is going through. Just be reasonable. Dont make your driver wait. If somerhing unexpected happens text or call your driver. Its common courtesy.  When you make us wait you may cost us a ride which means money. Dont bring open containe…


    They can and should tip drivers especially for really short or long trips. Be courteous and respectful. We are not your personal driver. We drive you from point a to point b safely, our car is clean, if we are not rude please give 5 stars. As a driver I dont pick you up with the intention of making you miserable I cant control roads being closed, traffic, that my air freshner isnt a scent you like, GPS being wrong, or Uber app going crazy at times. Drivers cannot read your mind. Not everybody's personalities mesh.  Is it really worth someone losing their job?  Really think about what you are doing when rating your driver. If your job was dependent on stars would you still have a job? Everybody has an off day and you never know what someone is going through. Just be reasonable. Dont make your driver wait. If somerhing unexpected happens text or call your driver. Its common courtesy.  When you make us wait you may cost us a ride which means money. Dont bring open containers of alcohol, a child without a carseat, or expect is to drive 5 people when we have 4 seats/seatbelts. 


    Drivers who tell you they need cash from you for tolls. Yes have plenty of riders tell me this happens.

    Make sure the car, profile pic, and tag match what it says in your app. If it doesn't DO NOT GET IN CAR

    Ladies: Dont pass out in an Uber especially with male driver. Yes my young riders tell me they do this. 

    Always be aware of your surroundings. 

    Dont order Uber express pool late at night. Dropping you off on a street corner at 2am isnt a great idea. As a driver I cannot do it. I dont mind driving the extra block but some drivers will because it was your choice.

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     5 years ago

    That we are human beings who have the same bills like everyone else and TIPPING a minimum of 15 % is not a trend . .If you are not a tipper please go back to mass transit !!