Barry Wilson (BarryWilson)

Ride Apprentice

An opponent to companies that break the law

When I first read about Uber and how it operated illegally, I was disgusted but not surprised they were allowed to get away with it. I saw European countries impose massive finds that held up in court, forcing Uber to slink away or follow the rules of real taxi companies. But North America is stupider and more corrupt.


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Comments by BarryWilson

  • A good idea but Ubers business model is based on ripping off their drivers and putting as many cars on the streets as they can.  Their delusional fantasy is to replace drivers with robot cars so they don't have to pay.  They thought they could become a monopoly and jack up fares.   All they do is lose billions each year.      Those at the start got rich with the IPO where stupid investors thought it a good investment. Opening price 45 which continued to drop and is now around 33.   IF only I had the money to short the stock when it came out. But I didn't     Uber is a con.  The governments that let them operate are corrupt. Nice to see California finally do something. They should have  stopped them at the start.

  • I hope so.  That would give honest taxi companies an opportunity to flourish.  Uber is a criminal enterprise, so far it has officially murdered one person with "self driving" car.  Who knows how many other lives it has ruined.

  • This must something done in the US.  In Canada based on my experience, Amazon contracts Canada post or delivery service to bring packages to customers.    having the first independent driver to deliver packages is another reason why Amazon is a horrible company.  I use it as they have things that are not available in any local stores.  But use it far less than I used to. But I agree I am an enabler to an awful company.