Misty Luther (genisay)

Ride Apprentice



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    {{ ratingSum }}
     2 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    To me it's scary to think that you could be a rider who always tries their best to be polite and a perfect peach to their driver, though sometimes needs help getting a lot of groceries home from the store or your bus simply did not show up to take you the ten-minute drive/hour-and-a-half-long walk to work, and you don't make enough money to buy the really expensive rides, but a driver who is having a bad day and doesn't like that you only needed what is ten-minutes by car can ruin your ability to get rides at all?

    At what point does this become a penalty for kind, considerate folks that were given falsely bad ratings?
    I often need Uber to get me to some places because I live in an area where public transit is spotty, rides are far between, and not always reliable, or the time it would take to get somewhere by bus is almost triple that of driving. It's really scary to think that it would take just a few drivers who dinged me for something I was not aware of, or even in control of to make this means of even living out here inaccessible to me.

    I had a 4.98 for a long time, but it recently went down to 4.74 for some reason I am entirely clueless on. I have broken none of these suggestions and only ever had to cancel a ride once. But tonight my roommate was canceled on three times when I ordered a ride for him, and I'm now concerned that this will become even more of a thing because my rating is now below a 4.8.

    If drivers start a trend of canceling on us when we need them to be able to get to places, I may very well be forced to switch to Lyft, which is much harsher on my meager budget. The rides can sometimes get up to fifty dollars for a twenty-minute trip, stranding me somewhere for hours because I can't afford to pay that much. That's two weeks of groceries.