Some good regional analysis on where Uber is doing well vs. where they face challenges. I have included some of their visuals here, but click here for the full article:
Eruope, Africa, and US. Measuring regulation risks, opportunity areas, etc.
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Uber Driver, CEO of TaxiFareFinder and Unleashed, LLC
Uber Driver and CEO/President of Unleashed, LLC.
Ippei boasts over 11 years of experience in travel and taxi industry. As a CEO, he has built, managed, and executed the operations of TaxiFareFinder since 2007. He has partnerships and relationships with major taxi, rideshare, and other travel-related companies.
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Some good regional analysis on where Uber is doing well vs. where they face challenges. I have included some of their visuals here, but click here for the full article:
Eruope, Africa, and US. Measuring regulation risks, opportunity areas, etc.
It's all a game of Risk.
However Uber and Didi can pretty much buy everyone else so, so there won't be that many wars .