James Rowland (FastTaxiLLC)

Ride Apprentice

Best Taxi and ride booking app in upstate NY.
9 Driver

Co owner and founder of Fast Taxi LLC, the upstate ride app, and http://albanytaxiservice.com. Dedicated to fair and transparent operations, big fan of modern tech. 


Posts by FastTaxiLLC

Comments by FastTaxiLLC

  • Defintely agree with cabbies being able to beat a gps. And yes, in my opinion, uber is shooting itself in the foot with their biz model. When drivers OR customers aren't happy, they will seek other options. I used uber every day for months when I lived in Los Angeles and it was just becoming popular. Back then, it was this amazing new tech and it was 1/2 the price of a normal cab - of course the taxi industry took a big hit as they became popular. But now... all uber has left is the tech, and I don't care how pretty their app is when it comes with surge pricing and the other headaches. 

    I know a transportation company in brooklyn that almost went out of business when uber came to NYC, but after two years, everything has normalised and they actually get more calls now than they did before uber! If I didn't learn about that, I probably would have been conviced with all this rideshare hype and got out of the taxi industry. But that just goes to show you that the market is saying something here, and like you said - the taxi industry is not going anywhere :)