Holly Martin (HollyMartin)

Ride Apprentice



Posts by HollyMartin

Comments by HollyMartin

  • SMFH.  Are a complete  MORON?  

    NO.  When you live in Los Angeles and all the areas are surging for HOURS and there is literally no place else to drive, and you still can't get a ride? That's a deliberate algorithmic manipulation.  It's impossible to have a high demand where the surge goes up and there is no relief. Taking drivers that are in the area off the que of available cars is fraud.  It's  a false surge to make the rider pay more--when all the cars are there to pick them up--but they aren't matching you with riders. Drivers show they are online, but can't get a ride.  It's fraud. 


    A surge only occurs because the demand is too high for the supply--meaning there are too many ride requests and not enough drivers to accommodate those requests.  A real surge ends -- when the demands are met, because drivers are matched with riders and people get where they are going.  Upon this truth, you must deduce that a surge shouldn't go on for hours when there are drivers  online, available in the surge area (for hours), and yet  they can't pick up one ride.  That is a manipulation on the app to shadow ban drivers.  We are available on our app--but do no show up as available on the rider's app.

    You obviously don't drive for UBER or live in Los Angeles, because if you did--you'd know EXACTLY what I am taking about right now. I live in and drive in the area I speak of,. There is nowhere else to go, I don't  drive to go into them (Surges)--I'm always in them.

    Also what would Uber get from that? Creating these "fake demands"?  It should be self evident--postulate an intelligent answer.   Figure it out. When drivers are being selectively removed from the que--that's an algorithm at work,  If they are doing that--who knows what else they are doing. It's total fake manipulation, and they can make any reality  they want. Look at a past legal case where UBER was proven to be charging the rider one thing and the driver had a different fare breakdown from the rider.

    4.89 is not a low rating.

    P.s.  Since I posted this --it's still going on.  This is serious Sh*T.  Everyone in there own areas needs to be documenting this.