Bert Sanchez (TaxiCabAlbuquerqueNM)
Ride Apprentice from Albuquerque, NM; Santa Fe, NM
Taxi Cabs Available Now in Rio Rancho, Corrales, Sandoval County and Far Northwest Albuquerque. Need a Reliable, Dependable Pickup? Safe, Trustworthy, Courteous Service On Time Pick-Ups.
1 Drivertaxi-cab-albuquerque-nm-airport.com
taxi-cab-albuquerque-nm-airport.com/Airport Taxis
A Cab will be able to take you anywhere in your state. If needing to cross a state line advise the Taxi Company they will advise you as to how to arrange your taxi ride.
[email protected]
You MUST download the app to your phone and then register that phone with a credit card (or debit card attached to a Bank/Credit Union.
Same for signing up as a driver.
Personally, I drive for Lyft on occason and never for Uber.
[email protected]