Brian L (brianl)

Ride Apprentice from NY

3 Rider


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Comments by brianl

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  New ride comparison app

    Can't tell if this is a joke or not...? 

    If not, I think you may have jumped the gun a little there on your market research considering there are already various apps that enable you to quickly compare Uber/Lyft prices.... The most obvious? RideGuru , aka the site you decided to post your advert on.  Beyond that, there are many  platforms that do this exact same thing. 

    I use an app called Bellhop because it has the best coverage in NYC, but then there is also Farewell, FairFare, and another one on the West coast that I can't remember the name of. 

    Not trying to say that you can't/won't be successful, but you may want to be a little more strategic in your product differentiation before investing further resources. 

    That said, I appreciate your entrepreneurial spirit and wish you the best on your new project.
