Justin Boogaard (jboo)
Ride Apprentice from Mountain View
Professional Grandson
2 RiderHi! I work for GoGoGrandparent - a service that let's people use Lyft and Uber without a smartphone. When calling GoGoGrandparent (our number is 855 464-6872), callers can call from any type of phone (including a landline, flip phone, pay phone, etc) and all they have to do is press 1 to order a ride to their home or 2 to order a ride to their last location. We also employ a 24/7 team of operators that watch over the rides, call the drivers, and advocate on behalf of the caller to make sure they get where they need to go. I would encourge you to at least call to check it out!
Yes! To check availability and prices in your area, please contact 1 (855) 464-6872!
- Justin
GoGoGrandparent let's people use Lyft and Uber without a smartphone. When calling GoGoGrandparent (their number is 855 464-6872), callers can call from any type of phone (including a landline, flip phone, pay phone, etc) and all they have to do is press 1 to order a ride to their home or 2 to order a ride to their last location. We also employ a 24/7 team of operators that watch over the rides, call the drivers, and advocate on behalf of the caller to make sure they get where they need to go. I work for GoGoGrandparent and I would encourge you to at least call to check it out!