juana curry (juanacurry)

Ride Apprentice

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Comments by juanacurry

  • I will definitely buy Uber or Lyft stock when it becomes available to the public. To make an early investment in both the company's IPO I have contact Pre IPO Pros website and get good guidance regarding the investment policy and return. Undoubtedly both the ride hailing companies will generate great opportunity to the investors to get huge profit within minimum time frame.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  It's official. Uber and Lyft are in an IPO race.

    Competing for passengers and drivers since long in the US, now Uber and Lyft is set to make bigger rivalry in the public market i.e. issuing an IPO in 2019. The competition could expand into a battle as both are ready to capture market possibilities early. There are numerous ways to directly or indirectly gamble on performance of both the ride-hailing race. Pre IPO Pros shares the way that investors can follow and gain earnings from the ride-sharing market.