Mohamed Salem (msalem2)

Ride Apprentice from New York

TLC Driver in NYC
4 Driver


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Comments by msalem2

  • I rented a car for the first 2 months of 2017 then financed one which was the biggest mistake, I made for the whole 2017 gross income of 94K and net profit of 38K after the expenses and depreciation and I have to pay taxes 5K, BTW I worked full time 6 days a week 9-11 hours per day. I believe Uber pay to market those kind of articles to push more drivers in the street

  • I drive too in NYC and did the same like you, just file your taxes and see how much you're going to pay

    plus the car expenses will start to jump after the first year because the maintainance after the 25000 miles

    changing tires

    for the first year I made gross of 94K net of 38K and I have to 5K in taxes

    good luck