Marquis Ray (raymarquishopeful)

Ride Apprentice


Posts by raymarquishopeful

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Comments by raymarquishopeful

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  Are Scheduled Early AM pickup bu Uber or Lyft guaranteed?

    There’s no guarantee. Scheduling your rides increases your chances at getting a ride but that’s about it. I scheduled my ride with Lyft more than 12 hours before for an early afternoon pickup and I’ve had 4 drivers accept my request and cancel, two of which were within 15 mins of a pickup, one of those two were 9 mins away after dropping off another rider. If you do schedule a ride, just make sure to have a backup plan in place on the off chance that something happens or the driver cancels. I’m waiting to be on my way to work and luckily I scheduled my ride for an hour before I have to be at work.