Robert W (robertw1282)

Ride Apprentice



Posts by robertw1282

    {{ ratingSum }}

    Uber Ratings Repair

    I created an android app to help uber drivers with their rating Click here for vid and download

Comments by robertw1282

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Uber Ratings Repair

    You can enter your rating and  any number of 5,4,3,2,1 star ratings and the app will tell you your new average. Just like  LCarpenter said you can use it to see how many 5stars it will take you to recover your rating. You can also use it to see how many 1 star ratings you can recieve befor you are in danger of deactivation.

    Theres some reading material on how to repair your rating in the app.

    If you click the link in my original post there is a vid showing the app.