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Posts by slidam

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Comments by slidam

    {{ ratingSum }}
     3 years ago in  Is the Uber Pro Rewards Program all it is cut out to be?

    UBER HAS BLOCKED ME EVERY PERIOD AND THIS TIME I HAVE PROOF ITS A SCAM... I recently had an encounter with Uber. Since it is the end of a period, I noticed my cancellation rate was high and that was the only thing stopping me from going up a tier to Gold. When I looked back on my trip history and read through Uber legal policy I noticed the same as your article that I shouldn’t be penalized for canceling when a rider didn’t show, which was the ONLY reason I ever cancelled a ride. I tried reaching out to Uber support and they told me, in fact multiple representatives told me, when a rider doesn’t show we DO get penalized in our acceptance rate. Uber also has a policy to submit and documentation if you believe one of your stats is wrong and they will adjust it accordingly. That’s not true either, I’ve done just that and requested a review of my account and supplied them with screenshots of my driving history from their platform, along with counting the number of rides marked as cancelled by me, all of which they paid me for even though I cancelled, and then included screenshots of their own policy. They still came back and literally one guy name “Joban pal”, argued with me by only replying the same scripted response for over an hour, it is automatically calculated so no manual adjustment can be done. They have provided me no help and have robbed me yet again out of advancing to the next tier. With the local hub being closed, I do not know what else I can do. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated, as I did also tell them that I know I am not the only one complaining about a high cancellation rating so they need to go back and rework their script and fix all drivers cancellation rating. I have screenshots of everything and emails that prove this. AnyOne that can help to make them fix this for all of us would

  • I live in Phoenix, AZ and although viewing the new card, I do not see any of that info. In fact, I feel like I get sent further away for much less money now since they don’t pay me until I get to the person. Aside from that, regarding the rewards, the special that helps us with costs depending on our tier including some ASU Tuition once at Gold status, UBER HAS BLOCKED ME EVERY PERIOD AND THIS TIME I HAVE PROOF ITS A SCAM... I recently had an encounter with Uber. Since it is the end of a period, I noticed my cancellation rate was high and that was the only thing stopping me from going up a tier to Gold. When I looked back on my trip history and read through Uber legal policy I noticed the same as your article that I shouldn’t be penalized for canceling when a rider didn’t show, which was the ONLY reason I ever cancelled a ride. I tried reaching out to Uber support and they told me, in fact multiple representatives told me, when a rider doesn’t show we DO get penalized in our acceptance rate. Uber also has a policy to submit and documentation if you believe one of your stats is wrong and they will adjust it accordingly. That’s not true either, I’ve done just that and requested a review of my account and supplied them with screenshots of my driving history from their platform, along with counting the number of rides marked as cancelled by me, all of which they paid me for even though I cancelled, and then included screenshots of their own policy. They still came back and literally one guy name “Joban pal”, argued with me by only replying the same scripted response for over an hour, it is automatically calculated so no manual adjustment can be done. They have provided me no help and have robbed me yet again out of advancing to the next tier. With the local hub being closed, I do not know what else I can do. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated, as I did also tell them that I know I am not the only one complaining about a high cancellation rating so they need to go back and rework their script and fix all drivers cancellation rating.