Al C. (Al)

Ride Apprentice from Oregon

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12 Rider

Trying to make sure my grandson who's about to start driving for Uber knows what he's getting into.


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Comments by Al

  • Thanks for your response. It's helpful.

    (Actually... I didn't want any particular response. I just want him to know the reality, whatever it is... not get blindsided by it after, say, driving Uber for only a year with his newly purchased 2009 car.)

    I figured there would be SOME point at which Uber says "your car is too old now" to an existing driver.

    But what I'm still not clear on from your answer is  this:

    Does Uber raise the bar every year? Every two years? Unpredictably?  

    And if so, do existing drivers get even a bit of slack.... like maybe have a year to update their car? Or do they just get a notice saying "prove your car is less than X years old or we're kicking you out?"