
Ride Apprentice



Posts by Bella3

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Comments by Bella3

  • This is a reckless and road raging driver I was heading south on Harlem and there were cars turning left so I put my right signal to continue my route so tell me why this uber driver comes from the back and horns at me when He/She was behind me like not able to cooperate in yielding and so they put their high headlights on me .My car is fully tinted so it didn’t bother me. so then the uber driver kept driving close to me bumper to bumper acting like she was purposely trying to hit.I’m like at the end hit me and will see how this goes so I let who ever was driving pass me and I got behind their ass so who ever she was with  both were flicking me off so I put my high beam headlights on them and plus took a picture with their plate number and car model Chevy Cruze BG 28613. Reckless and road raging. I don’t know how people like this get access to do uber. I want a stop to these non sense drivers.