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How do I report bad drivers? (Uber and Lyft drivers that is)

{{ ratingSum }}
3460 Rider Driver Driver
 Posted 6 years, 9 months ago

The Guru Take


    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago

    This Uber driver was parking in a fire lane telling everyone it’s okay he is with Uber.He was yelling at the employees you guys need to fallow rules to.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    7 Driver
     5 years ago

    My driver stood at my drop off location to steal money out my card and they won’t refund me they need to shut down the whole entire uber site there so unprofessional and don’t care for there customers 

    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      If the driver dropped you off at your destination the trip was over. Did the driver physically steal your card? Unless he physically stole your credit card how did he steal money from your card? Drivers have nothing to do with riders credit cards. We dont touch credit cards, see them, know the numbers, know what credit card you use, or process the payment, we have absolutely nothing to do with payment. Uber charges your card. Uber processes the payment and sends the money to the driver after the trip is ended. I am not sure what your issue is. If you can explain more clearly maybe one of the drivers can advise you what to do. However you are right Uber cares about no one but Uber. Uber custimer service is awful. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        7 Driver
         5 years ago

        No the uber driver does have a lot to do with it if they don’t put ride complete it will show as if I’m still in the car after the certain time you were suppose to be dropped off is passed then the ride fair goes up this is not the first time this situation happen to me. They don’t need your card to know how to manipulate the ride fare again not the first time! 

          {{ ratingSum }}
          8198 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          When you are getting ready to exit the car the driver should be clicking end trip and then the app notifies you. I can hear the notification my riders phones when I end the trip. Once you pull.up to destination why dont you just ask driver to end the trip before you exit the car? If that makes you uncomfortable as soon as you exit the car if trip is still running message Uber immediately. They are tracking your phone they will see you are at your destination while on the app. Take a selfie if you have to standing at your destination. What city are you in? Sounds like you have a lot of dishonest drivers there. I mentioned drivers have nothing to do with your credit card because initial post made it sound as if you were saying drivers were charging your card or they had your card. If this is an ongoing issue as you said best advice is what I mentioned above. Ask driver to end trip before you get out. Hope that fixes your issue. Best if luck:)

    {{ ratingSum }}
    2 Driver
     2 years ago

    {{ ratingSum }}
    2 Driver
     2 years ago

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    I took a uber drive with a driver name Latonya winsley she is a freak that Flirted with me the whole ride she drive a Root beer color infinity truck very ghetto she ask me did I smoke weed because she nose where the good stuff is plus the hotel she dropped me off to she ask me what was I getting into that night because for a small fee she can come back and hang out with me if you guys no what I mean...just very bad for business and I bet uber don't even know she doing this

    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Unprofessional driver but sounds like she just drives for Uber to promote her other business drugs and prostitution. You can always report bad drivers behavior to Uber.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      122 Rider
       5 years ago

      She couldn’t help it. Completely captured by your studlt allure and she took a chance and broke the rule. :)

      If she made you uncomfortable, I’m sorry, but what was it that you think she crossed the line? From what you’d described, I’m not sure if I see anything. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
         5 years ago

        Really,  she works for Uber. Very unprofessional and yeah wouldn't you feel uncomfortable if she was asking you if you want to hang out for a small fee. What is wrong with you.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I was standing outside digbeth coach station today a young lady with a medium sized suitcase walked over to a uber driver 3114 was the sticker on front windscreen of his car and the driver just sat in his car while she struggled putting case in boot 

    In my opinion he shud of got out car and assisted her with luggage 

    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Drivers are paid to drive from Point A to Point B safely. Nothing in Uber's TOS that drivers have to load their passengers luggage. Of course its the right thing to do but not something a driver is required to do and I agree with you. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
      105 Rider
       5 years ago

      They have driver IDs in windshields now?  Like they used to with taxi drivers and medallions?

      I mean it’s a great idea so you can report bad Uber drivers but I didn’t know they implemented this. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        A law was passed in NJ to do this but hasnt taken effect yet. I dont think its a good idea. All the things that will be in the window are all ready right in front of rider in their app. This opens up more people to make false accusations. If you are a pedestrian thst witnesses an Uber driver doing something wrong take down their license plate and send message to Uber they can find who the driver is by the license plate. Why should a driver put personal info like their name for all to see?  Again if they do anything wrong their is the license plate and if its of criminal nature call police with their license plate. Riders are protected most of the time drivers have no protection at all. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     1 year ago

    Both Uber and Lyft offer in-app reporting tools for unsafe driving. Briefly describe the issue in the app after your ride to flag the driver for review. For serious incidents, contact their support lines or local authorities. Remember, detail is key for effective reports!

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I was driving up Clairemont Dr. Monday morning about 11:00 am on the 11th of March. The driver drove completely reckless between the  solid double lines on both sides of the road and then cut in 6 cars in front of me and all cars had to slam on breaks. He was a Black man and his car was a Red Volt and the license plates are 8CFV188. He should not be driving people around. I am concerned for the people he picked up and driver around him. He dropped his fair off at the corner of Clairemont Dr and Iroquois Ave. Please address this driver.

    Show Hide  4 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      Anyone know how to do a reverse look-up of license plate?

      {{ ratingSum }}
      145 Driver
       5 years ago

      This is the problem about not being able to rate drivers without you being the passenger. Good job for catching the license plate.  

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        So now you want pedestrians to be able to rate drivers? If the driver is that bad get their license plate and email Uber. I think anyone who feels they should be able to rate drivers even though they are not paying for the service  is ridiculous. Why dont we give every car on the an ID and when any car on the road drives like an idiot you can call the DMV. Once their rating drops to a 4.6 DMV csn take their license away. That sounds pretty absurd right? So does pedestrians rating drivers. 

        Just because someone has a sticker in their window doesnt mean the are actively driving for Uber or Lyft. Stickers, amps, etc... are made, bought, and sold by many different people who have nothing to do with Uber or Lyft. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
      44 Rider
       5 years ago

      wow, how did you know he was an Uber or Lyft driver? Did you see a sticker? It is always possible it is a family car and it was a relative driving at that moment regardless you should report this directly to Uber or Lyft (whichever one he was working for). They will be able to look him up by the license plate.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I am a driver, and I am in a few Uber groups, and there is one guy who brags at one starring people for really petty things, like asking music to be changed. Any idea who I call?  As I find this behavior rude, and he should not be driving 

    Show Hide  4 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Short answer: I think you would need more than just there name. Probably need their city and state and possibly their license plate.  Some kind of specific info that  could make sure that it was the correct person. 

      If he is bragging he is probably lying about also. Some people just like the attention. Most of those groups have rude people in them. I stopped following 2 groups recently. One a few days after joining and the other 2 months after joining. Although there were some decent people their the negativity and rudeness were too much. Drivers would ask questions and the replies were awful. Other drivers were happy because of a good high paying ride or that their ratings went up and the comments some other drivers posted were awful. Dont understand why people doing the same job are so negative towards one another. You would think you would want to be helpful to a fellow driver.  Just people in general can be so mean and negative. Of course there are trolls who li…


      Short answer: I think you would need more than just there name. Probably need their city and state and possibly their license plate.  Some kind of specific info that  could make sure that it was the correct person. 

      If he is bragging he is probably lying about also. Some people just like the attention. Most of those groups have rude people in them. I stopped following 2 groups recently. One a few days after joining and the other 2 months after joining. Although there were some decent people their the negativity and rudeness were too much. Drivers would ask questions and the replies were awful. Other drivers were happy because of a good high paying ride or that their ratings went up and the comments some other drivers posted were awful. Dont understand why people doing the same job are so negative towards one another. You would think you would want to be helpful to a fellow driver.  Just people in general can be so mean and negative. Of course there are trolls who like to start drama. I would think if he rates riders low all the time it would come to Ubers attention. I think it would also reflect in his ratings.  I will elaborate on that in another thread later today as I am on my way out. I have a theory about that and would like to run it by other drivers. If you have time please check it out and let me know what you think. I should have it up by no later than 3am. Ride guru forum a lot more respectful and helpful drivers. 

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

      Just curious whats up with the 1st 2 sentences of your comment?

        {{ ratingSum }}
        756 Rider Guru
         5 years ago

        FYI this has been resolved on our end.

        - Chris (CTO RideGuru)

          {{ ratingSum }}
          8198 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          Thank you. People just keep posting I guess thinking you are part of Uber:) Thankfully thsts nit the case:)

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago

    So this just happened to me:

    I called an Uber for a $12 trip from my house to my car dealership to pick up my car from there. I get into the UBER car and silence. Uber driver is wearing a USA flag mask so I’m thinking -oh a Republican that doesn’t like Latinos thats why- .... because my friends since Trumpism started I can see and feel the descrimination towards me in some people, more than ever before in my 21 years in this country. 

    A few minutes passed and first thing that comes out of his mouth is “are you from here?”  I wasn’t surprised lol

    To what I replied “what do you mean from here?”  You know like how can you tell I’m not? 🤷🏻‍♀️

    We were able to have a good short conversation about the countries he had been to including mine and he ended up talking about Venezuela and from there ramping about how this country is heading that way with dictatorship and socialism. At that moment I decided to just listen and not respo…


    So this just happened to me:

    I called an Uber for a $12 trip from my house to my car dealership to pick up my car from there. I get into the UBER car and silence. Uber driver is wearing a USA flag mask so I’m thinking -oh a Republican that doesn’t like Latinos thats why- .... because my friends since Trumpism started I can see and feel the descrimination towards me in some people, more than ever before in my 21 years in this country. 

    A few minutes passed and first thing that comes out of his mouth is “are you from here?”  I wasn’t surprised lol

    To what I replied “what do you mean from here?”  You know like how can you tell I’m not? 🤷🏻‍♀️

    We were able to have a good short conversation about the countries he had been to including mine and he ended up talking about Venezuela and from there ramping about how this country is heading that way with dictatorship and socialism. At that moment I decided to just listen and not respond. He continued and mentioned moving to Costa Rica because of the socialism in this country. So as my trip is ending I said to him “good luck in Costa Rica, you have a great country here”. Well because of my comment that let him know I guess that I’m a Democrat and don’t agree with his views he added an extra $80 charge to my trip for “cleaning” because I caused a mess in his car.... so I ended up paying $92! Now I’m worried about my safety as I see all the violent ways extremists have  been acting lately and this man knows exactly where I live. Of course I called Uber made a report. I hope they solve this soon, give me my money back but still they cannot guarantee my safety. If anything happens to me or my family you all know who did it, I’m posting a picture of him and his info. Talk about socialism and he practically just stole $80 from me just because I told him his, OUR country is great! So if you get in his car, DO NOT talk about politics! I hope Uber suspends him for the safety of all Democrats that need an UBER.

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     2 years ago

    Contact Uber directly to report bad drivers. Thanks for your helpful comments on this matter. The situation of encountering bad drivers is not uncommon, so to ensure our own interests, we should also pay attention to this issue. friday night funkin game

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I would like to lodge a complaint with the Ober of Egypt because they are working with disrespectful and criminal drivers. This is a collective complaint in Egypt yesterday. The drivers stole my phone and filed a complaint with the company,

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      You may want to contact Uber to lodge your complaint. This is not Uber.

      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      You should create its own post, i.e. new post for this.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     3 years ago

    {{ ratingSum }}
     3 years ago

    My Uber driver charger me extra money when he made  mistakes dropping me off and two different places what do I do

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1 Driver
     3 years ago

    Here is my report!

    We were just nearly killed by one of your drivers. I was traveling on
    Lee Highway in Arlington VA when a Lyft driver exited a parking lot
    without stopping into on coming traffic almost causing a horrible
    accident. I had to honk my horn and swerve my car into the left lane
    to avoid hitting the Lyft driver broadside. If there was another car
    in the left lane this would have been a 3 car collusion caused by your
    driver. To see someone just simply drove across a parking lot at a
    high speed then right into oncoming traffic without stopping was
    terrifying. This was an incredibly blatant disregard for safety,
    completely reckless and utterly unbelievable. I question if this
    driver was under the influence. Then the Lyft driver chased after me,
    pulled up next to me and screamed profanities at me. He was AT
    FAULT!!!! This driver is unsafe and I’m concerned that they might be
    operating in an impaired state. This happened at approximately 4:35PM
    at 6730 Lee Highway in Arlington, VA. The car was a gray Hyundai Ioniq
    with VA License Plate number UBA-5703. I would like to talk to someone
    about this incident, please contact me.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     3 years ago

    Had an important appointment. The uber app says the driver arrived. He texts me in Spanish that he arrived. I was already outside waiting & he was nowhere to be found. I called him 5 times and kept texting. No response. He canceled & uber tried to charge but I disputed the charge & got refunded. But I still missed my appointment because of that POS. I wish you could rate drivers who do this.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1 Driver
     3 years ago

    Tuesday, October 12, I was checked out from the hospital and ordered Uber to go home. But I didn't find the car nearby, start to search according to directions on my cell phone, went pretty far, no car, called driver, he was far from polite. I cancel the trip and took a taxi. Service like this doesn't make sense. In order to get the trip need order personal detective to find the car and another taxi to reach him.  For pleasure to have this frustrating attempt to use Uber   I was charged a cancellation fee.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    2 Rider
     3 years ago

    Imagine taking an Uber who refused to continue the ride midway because I told him he missed one of the stops, showed him in the app and leaves you and your 4 year old who is double casted on two feet midway in the middle of the trip on the roadside. Asshole Mikey from New York HONDA Accord KHB413* 

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
       3 years ago

      Definitely report it.  There are precedence for this where Uber has taken serious actions against the drivers.  One incident I am thinking about had the driver abandon a man in middle of the road (maybe a highway), and he was struck by another vehicle.

      If you felt you were in danger, you should also call the police and file a report against the driver. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     3 years ago

    Its soo disappointing how to add charges to customers for canceling a ride without knowing the cause.

    I just ordered for uber. After sitting for soo long the driver asked where I'm going and passed on my trip to another person who is far from the pick up point. 

    I sad again for some minutes only for the driver to call to ask the same question and asked me to cancel the trip. And uber is charging me in addition after waiting my time. Is it fair?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1 Driver
     2 years ago  (edited 2 years ago)

    Take a photo, remember the license plate number and the service in which the driver works. Then, accordingly, contact the service and report the unscrupulous driver.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1 Rider Driver Driver
     2 years ago

    The issue of unscrupulous drivers will always be relevant I think, I have seen many incidents where the driver did not behave adequately and rudely with the passengers and the same on the road. You can always file a complaint about the driver in the application or on the website of the service on which you made a trip.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1 Driver
     4 years ago

    My uber drive is very rude to my child 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago  (edited 4 years ago)

    This driver was very rude I hope they never drive again

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Sir min ny ajj subha apny ghr walon ko ride book kr k di or driver aik to long rot ly k gya or opr sy bich rsty min otara mare walda ko or bhoot zaida btmizi ki or dhmkian dyby lage 

    Or bill uksa ban raha tha 428 ropy jb k us ny 1000 ly lye or bhoot he zaida dhke dye mare walid sahb ko yaaa to es j khilaf krwai kren ya min repot drj krta hun


    Faizan meharan Suzuki thi weight color ki

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Hey my uber driver is holding back my change 690ksh from yesterday 12:00 till now he didn’t have change and he agreed to send it to my mpesa account ,till now he just giving me excuses his phone number is 0739730116 Toyota passo

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    KA 02 AE 3523 this car driving person not following traffic & basic rules please don't take like these person in uber company for driving purpose they r very dangerous  to driving field pls take any actions & they told ours status like ( u knw my status) scarred to peoples & i face tis situation tat was i told simply, u can ask any other issues from tis person & then take action that's it.....

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    I used Lyft for the first time Tuesday, because it was very cold and I didn't have any cab numbers. I had a Mr. Lin Jian, Toyota T787054C. Not only was he prejudice, he was disgusting. He was yelling at me and my kids because we didn't enter his car fast enough. And when I  told him there was no need for disrespect he refused his service forcing us out his car. We had to take the bus. If this is how Lyft operates I will NEVER EVER use or even recommend this company to anyone I know. Pour disgusts is what I feel.

    Mary Pagan

    Bronx, N.Y

    Show Hide  5 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      You much I love Uber, sometimes I do wonder if this gig-economy where anyone can become a driver is just a good idea. 

      I have noticed overall that many Uber drivers are not "service" oriented and they are not used to treating and handling customers. They are highly privileged and hide behind the fact that they are independent contractor, potentially part-time, and they drive their own cars. They look down on you and treat you like you should be lucky to be able to enter their vehicle.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        I am a driver and do agree with you. Some drivers are ridiculous and others know nothing about customer service. Cant argue with you on this one:)

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

        Ran into one of those idiots last night. His loss 3 min ride 3.57 but a 7.00 cash tip all because he chose to be a jerk. He was also reported with pics to Uber by my rider.  

      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      Everyone thought things would improve over NY cab drivers but nope.  It’s worse for sure.  

      Now we are dealing with the same mean New Yorkers but more privileged ones who have no experience in customer service. Thanks Lyft and Uber for ruining everything. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      Terrible. Drivers have to pick anyone up, it is the law. They cannot discriminate. You should definitely report this to Lyft, perhaps they will give you some free rides or something to make up for your trouble or at the very least deactivate this jerk. Sorry your kids had to witness this :(

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    I find it wrong for Tobuddha Sallard to be taking people back and forth without going through Uber she’s pocketing the money that she gets from these 3-4 people how is that helping your company if she’s able to do that. Not only that it says she drives a black impala but drives a white Nissan

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      If she isnt using the app how do you know which car she says she is using? In order for you to know the car she would be have to be on the app logged in. Is she asking for additional money to drive the people? If so cancel her and order another Uber and report her. A tip? Although its rude to ask for a tip its not illegal. Can always say no. If she is not using app and people are giving her money to drive they are wrong then also. All involved need to realize if its not through Uber they will not pay if in an accident. They can be a big problem for all parties involved.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1 Driver
     3 years ago

    Took an Uber from the hotel to MEM airport Sep 23 and the Uber was filthy, smelled of weed, and driver very unprofessional. Was 2 of us in a rush or I would have never taken that Uber. After dropping of at the airport the driver claimed I left my phone in the car and we were charged a fee for a returned item. A week later he claimed we spilled coffee in his car and we were charged a cleaning fee. None of us had any coffee which can be confirmed by concierge at the hotel. The most frustrating thing of all this is just being able to reach Uber easily I guess. I feel like this driver is harassing us even after the ride. I don’t think I will ever feel safe in an Uber again especially since they seem to not even ask you what happened and just charge your card when a driver complains. They need cameras in those cars. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    2 Driver
     4 years ago  (edited 4 years ago)

    A company I am working for is developing an alternative, but safer solutions in ridesharing services.

    Sharing your thoughts and opinions via our survey will greatly help with future development!

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago

    Toyota rav4 8AA827 Long 

    This driver needs to be fired ! He was going way to fast for my liking. And I asked him 2 times nicly to slow down , and he said okay. But we almost hit 2 cars since then. Came to a red light and he almost didn't stop. I had my 8month old baby with me ! What is wrong with people now a days? Maybe uber should put radars in all vehicles to alert them when their drivers are driving out of control !! I want to be reimburse for this trip. And never want this driver ever again . 

    Drove from east bridgewater to Randolph in 13 mins. When it takes 24/ 20 mins if driving the normal speed. 

    Contact me: 508-526-2771

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago

    How do i report an uber driver that's doing side jobs and driving people to pick up drugs?

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago

    This driver call Afrifa treating the life of my wife and and the family.
    this very serious issue am telling you to do something about it or self I will deal with him myself 

    Car number :GS 578- 19 

    Phone number 0540509419

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago  (edited 4 years ago)

    I’m sick and tied of bad drivers speeding every day and night in hilton street east bromwich. Cars still speed when the children are playing in the street and they need to be stopped before some one gets hit by any of these cars and what should also happen is a camera and speed bumps put down that will slow them down a lot and a camera. Once caught on camera then they should take a driving test again and given a fine too. 


    Complete Guide About Cheap Car Insurance Quotes. Get Best Auto Insurance Quotes. Compare Insurance Companies in United States.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago

    Uber are thieves !!!! Worse customer service. They do not resolve issues. Use Lyft. Don’t bother with these crooks !!!!!!!!!

    I get picked up today as my phone accidentally called them. Since an Uber shows up I took it. I told the driver please edit the location as my phone died as soon as I got into the car. He said ok no problem. 

    Then as I get dropped off for a five Minute ride I get charged for a one hour ride. I should have been charged $10 but they charged me $101.00. He didn’t edit it into the system. 

    I contacted uber about it right away and explained the situation. They know they can easily track their drivers GPS system and see where he dropped me off or they can ask him. He probably ended up taking the full route while not changing it in his system just to Charge me for a route I didn’t take. 

    Uber’s response was very weak. They said I’m sorry you had a bad experience. Hopefully you’ll have a better one next time. 

    They didn…


    Uber are thieves !!!! Worse customer service. They do not resolve issues. Use Lyft. Don’t bother with these crooks !!!!!!!!!

    I get picked up today as my phone accidentally called them. Since an Uber shows up I took it. I told the driver please edit the location as my phone died as soon as I got into the car. He said ok no problem. 

    Then as I get dropped off for a five Minute ride I get charged for a one hour ride. I should have been charged $10 but they charged me $101.00. He didn’t edit it into the system. 

    I contacted uber about it right away and explained the situation. They know they can easily track their drivers GPS system and see where he dropped me off or they can ask him. He probably ended up taking the full route while not changing it in his system just to Charge me for a route I didn’t take. 

    Uber’s response was very weak. They said I’m sorry you had a bad experience. Hopefully you’ll have a better one next time. 

    They didn’t resolve the issue. I’ve dealt with Lyft on many occasions. Whenever I had the least bit of an issue it was resolved right away. Lyft sends you text notifications as soon as you’re picked up and dropped off. They check their drivers GpS if there’s any issue. They always resolved any issues right away. 

    Uber does not. They gave me a two sentence poor response which shows they didn’t answer my question and it’s obvious they are theieves. I was charged $101.00 for a five minute ride !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not use UBER. If your phone dies and you accidentally put in the wrong address and you ask your driver to make the edit don’t be surprised when you get charged for the full route. These drivers and uber has no morals . They are thieves period. Horrendous customer service. 

    I’m going back and forth to uber explaining that I didn’t take that ride . I mentioned my pick up and drop off location and they have the nerve to say , I was charged for tolls.

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago

    Uber just added a feature to let you do it during the trip.  It's called on-trip recording.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    The ubber driver near downtown westminster, Colorado is very bad mouthed and tempered. Parks on hte wrong side of the street which blocked oncoming traffic. Tells me to mind my own FU____business. I gave him a solution to just park in a parking spot and wait for his person he is to pick up. He went ape wire on me and cussed me out. This morning he tells me to go home to my mama. I haven't lived at home for over 22 years. To this i replied, "I don't live with my mom like you do!" Beware of this jerk. Comes after 5:00am every time. If I were Ubber, I would fire him!

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    Two Ubers, same distance, same time leave. It costs me $20 more, and also 40 mins late. Report it, but it ends because I cannot provide enough evidence and also too late to report. You probably are wondering why I didnt report it immediately. The reason why was "Bar to Hotel".  

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Worst services ever.. ola is far better than this. Driver name rajesh auto number  UP 78 CT7620... he has no idea how to behave with females.  Language  was so harsh. He was giving me two option either cancel  ride or come 400 meters to get auto.. even in delhi also i faced the same problem.. dont  know why this company is siting  blind... if u cant give respect to your customer  so dont run this rubbish service. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    11th feb ko maine jber book ki mera phone uart te time uber me reh gaya uber driver ne usse switch off kar dya and i want stick action for this... please car no is DL1RA9505 driver name is sandeep kumar please help me

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I want uber help line no 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Driver bhoot btmeez tha aik to bhoot labma rasta ly k gya pick laga hua tha or phir bich rasty min mare family ko ptar k btmizi bhi ki or 1000 ly lye jb k pyment 428 thi agye sy dhmkian bhi dyny laga or bhoot zaida btmizi ki 

    Kia ab uber us k khialf krwai kre bare mehr bani hoge

    04232618624 no

    Meharan Suzuki drive name fizan


    Sir plzzz es k khilaf krwai kren

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    my room mate is an uber driver   she did not take a neighbor to a ride last week because she was drunk again.    she has told me many of time how she drinks and gets high while waiting for her next ride i can tell u she was just off from dec 23 until jan 2 and spent the entire time drunk   i dont know her last name but i do know her first name is holly and her phone number is 520582 8350    i have taken her car keys from her when she is drunk and tried to drive to get more beer   she thinks it is fine to drink after she has 5 beers   please please stop 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I forget my luggage bag in uber auto please help me what should I do in this situation the driver name and license plate number is Mr. Anil MH12 FZ5920 please help me my details Sanket 9665302577 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Hello,  want to report a case,  My uber driver delayed me today,  couldn't get another ride since he refused to cancel the trip,  I had to wait 3hrs later, this was a disgrace to your company!! The number to the driver is 0722428102. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Hello sir I am from Hyderabad India yesterday I was book in cap the driver behaviour is not good his behaviour same like a Gangster I don't like and he cancel my booking front of me and he keep me fine 68 rupees for the next tric

    Ts 09 ub 1333 name  abdul sattar

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Extra cherge

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    I am so over this thread:) 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    ORD handicapped violator. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    ORD handicapped violator 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Handicapped violator 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    ORD TNP Lot Handicapped space violations are huge issue. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    This is a reckless and road raging driver I was heading south on Harlem and there were cars turning left so I put my right signal to continue my route so tell me why this uber driver comes from the back and horns at me when He/She was behind me like not able to cooperate in yielding and so they put their high headlights on me .My car is fully tinted so it didn’t bother me. so then the uber driver kept driving close to me bumper to bumper acting like she was purposely trying to hit.I’m like at the end hit me and will see how this goes so I let who ever was driving pass me and I got behind their ass so who ever she was with  both were flicking me off so I put my high beam headlights on them and plus took a picture with their plate number and car model Chevy Cruze BG 28613. Reckless and road raging. I don’t know how people like this get access to do uber. I want a stop to these non sense drivers. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    What I wrote to Uber:

    I wish to report a serious incident with one of your drivers Queensland registration 205ZAW, a grey Holden Trax SUV. On Friday November 1st, I was nearly run off the road by your über driver who barged in the lane I was in, then swerved to turn right, then came back into to the lane and made very rude gestures at me and others, despite the fact that I had let this belligerent driver in twice having to brake hard to avoid a collision. The driver was driving school children to Edmund Rice Drive over the 40 kilometre speed limit. I have photos of the car and number plate and will be reporting the incident to the police. This belligerent man should not be allowed to drive children particularly, since he is a obviously dangerous elderly driver, who is not complying with the duty of care in regard to driving school children.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    I forgot my mobile in uber car . When I call to my phone driver switch offed my phone . How to get my lost phone back. I have driver name and car number only.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    DL 1Z A 9573 toyaota etios this uber driver are dangerous and crazy on road.. He is very rash driver plz disactivate this driver uber license. I'm very highly obliged if you do it.. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Terrence is a bad driver he drives a 2017 or 2018 Nissan Altima blue color with crome rims on it he is between 50 or 60 years old with dreadlocks he has been harassing and stalking me since I took a ride in his car I'm gonna file a police report on him this man is no good  

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      I'm sure there is a reason why he stalks you. Maybe you're another peace of crap that treats drivers like they are your property, hurts their feelings, litters in their car and then expects to get out of it clean and forgotten??? I mean... Seriously, why would someone stalk you with no reason? What did YOU do to this person??

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    boycott uber,  their drivers are dangerous and crazy

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    To the passengers who are posting complaints. I hope you realize this site doesnt belong to Uber. They will not see your complaints that you post here. The original post asked "how to report a driver" the question was answered. The answer is posted above. You can also post issues on Twitter. Uber usually responds quickly. 


    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    You guys just hired an employee by the name of Michelle Wilkins.  Well I know for a fact she is a meth addict and if you have her take a drug test today or as soon as possible, she will fail 

    If a passenger is in the car if something goes wrong U do know that now you can be held liable.  U have no drug policies to protect your paying customers.  If u don't/choose not to really investigate this.  I will make it public with video of her having sex in the Lyft car they leased her and I've watched her repeatedly smoke and snort meth 

    I hope you remedy this.  Thanks and I am concerned for u & paying customers 

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      This is not Uber you need to contact them. This is a rideshare website forum that has nothing to do wuth Uber drivers or complaints about Uber drivers. Go onto Ubers website or twitter.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      This site doesn't handle complaints for Uber.  Read answer to the original question that is posted above. That is how you contact Uber or you can post on Twitter and Uber will usually respond.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

    That is trip Hello i am samadkhan from peshawar Pakistan i take ride from uber and i have shown number on my phone screen i call him he says that he coming to me. And he drop call and directly he start ride before he reach to my location that is so bad and then i call him again for ask that why you start ride suddenly he dropped call again and he canceled ride and my uber app show me Rs 86 for paid . I send you id and pictures of driver please block him and ask to uber pakistani he is fluttering with people 

    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      That drivers rating is awful. Drivers here are deactivated at a 4.60.

      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      This is getting very personal.

        {{ ratingSum }}
         5 years ago

        Thanks for the great service but this driver make angry so much so much 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    This driver stole my laptop very smartly while putting my luggage in the car. I was travelling from Greater Kailash, Delhi to Delhi Airport on 14th July. I came to know about it when I reached the airport(during check-in). I tried to reach the Uber support but they didn't help at all, this is the worst Problem that I've ever faced.

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      With all this information, how have you not busted the guy. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    19 April book uber naruto Suzuki 5731 drive did not pic up me.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    How do you report a bad driver? Just give one-star rating.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    No the rider did not match the photo assigned, also he was talking (on call) to the real driver about taking the ride.

    The driver forced us to book a ride from OLA to earn more money.

    The driver with "CG04MP0987" named "Ravi Vishwakarma" has rider accounts both in uber and Ola and forced us (4 people) to cancel the uber ride (that charged us cancellation fee) and book him from Ola (that charged more than double).

    We were traveling as 2 serious heart patients and 2 companions for them both.

    Shameful for this kind of service from uber! 

    Better check your driver before employing.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    the rider did not match the photo assigned, also he was talking (on call) to the real driver about taking the ride.

    The driver forced us to book a ride from OLA to earn more money.

    The driver with "CG04MP0987" named "Ravi Vishwakarma" has rider accounts both in uber and Ola and forced us (4 people) to cancel the uber ride (that charged us cancellation fee) and book him from Ola (that charged more than double), in Raipur city (chhattisgarh).

    We were traveling as 2 serious heart patients and 2 companions for them both.

    Shameful for this kind of service from uber! 

    Better check your driver before employing.