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Posts by Foxykell

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Comments by Foxykell

  • I do not like Uber is rating  system I didn’t  know that they can rate or change their rating  up to 30 days laterWhich is completely unfair when we can’t do that. That is ridiculous because they can go back and rate us one  or two if they’re having a bad day or one free rides!It’s getting ridiculous I’ve even taken passengers that notice Sara ratings have gone down immensely and they were really cool passengers which I have rated them at five so I don’t know what’s going on with Uber but they need to get their act together really fast because at least with lefIt’s getting ridiculous I’ve even taken passengers that notice Sara ratings have gone down immensely and they were really cool passengers which I have rated them at five so I don’t know what’s going on with Uber but they need to get their act together really fast because at least with Lyft Do you have a chance to explain yourself and they can remove the rating! Uber says they  can do nothing about it and to be honest half of their customer service you can’t even understand what they’re saying. A customer  left their sunglasses in my car And I picked up a passenger after that I thought they were her sunglasses I run back after her to give them to her and she’s like those aren’t mine and I always double check but the sunglasses were black ,my seats are  black and my carpet is black so they blended in Do you think the customer would’ve realize that he didn’t have a sunglasses at the airport. I didn’t even get a call from them I reported it and then I went through the whole process and I told them they could have my phone number they contact me and they said they were never coming back to my state  so if they can’t get their sunglasses back then happy early Christmas which there are $450 sunglasses.I told them I would mail them to them if they would like to or had any friends out here that lived out here that can mail them to them and they said no. I don’t know why I feel guilty because it’s not my fault because I always go above and beyond and did follow the protocol but I’m tired of the whole mask and vaccination thing. I think they should be allowed to upload their vaccination card if they don’t wanna wear their mask and I’m tired of being rated low because we have to enforce it when it’s not even our  policy. I was at five stars for six years never received a 4:3,2 or 1 And I notice I went from a five star rating to 4.86 rating because of the two and I receive so I’m wondering if it was from the people that lost her sunglasses or what it was because I didn’t deserve that I didn’t do anything wrong and I told Uber that and they’re like we can’t tell you who it was or what they said and I’m like how is that fair because you’re taking their word over mine and I told him and I’m just gonna start rating people lower If they start to argue with me or want to bring seven luggage is in my car when they know that my car is just an Uber x not a UberXL.Also these customers know the protocol they know they have to wear a mask they can’t sit sit up front at all and the windows cracked .I even turn on my AC when the windows are cracked that if there’s a heat advisory I will them up or pollution advisory. So I’ve been pretty mad at Uber and I’ve been driving for a very long time at a platinum level and it’s super any that I have a2 rating and I told Uber They rated me at two but they didn’t write anything about me all I remember is having somebody that was intoxicated so they could press the wrong button but they said they have to rate you within that 24 hours so whoever you get is who rated u and  you have to go through it. I don’t know how do you guys feel about it I think we should be able to know and contest our rating .I was actually very upset and hurt because I don’t like liars and I go above and beyond but that’s gonna stop because I’m gonna start rating  people how they really deserve to be rated