Entire Management Team for Driver Support. They lack empathy, respect, knowledge of policy, arrogance and pride is a bit too much, immaturity retaliation practice when driver request any type of review of ratings or policies. Always seem combative when you question anything sometimes without facts or thoroughly listening to conversation. Use long hold or hold time improperly to avoid concern, by guaranteeing an alternative solution example “specialty team will contact you in 24-48 hrs” (never do) or place on hold with intentional motive to voluntary drop calls, (call back same scenario 6 times) (I am not racist but it always seem to be the same race that answers the support line & pass you back and forward) when I first started driving more of a diverse support team. shift blame on policy or the driver with no remorse or accountability in order to research and resolve. Not reliable always using the same copy paste phrases/tool to avoid resolve. Majority of the copy paste responses are irrelevant to the concern. This tactic I’m discovering is used to manipulate & avoid the direct concern in order to bring confusion or frustration & to deter people from calling back for help or lose interest, in reaching out again or to another agent for resolution. And so much more. Disable Driver’s App features internally to cause your app to be inoperable or login, even the “contact us” button”. these all are a form of retaliation if you are questioning policy due to unfair treatment or any money miscalculated issues. Have not been reimbursed for tolls in over 3 months after sending proof as requested, Uber fee percentage miscalculated and now no tips or lower tips after questioning or fighting for what is owed. Also taking a dive with rating cause now being offered rides over 45 minutes from starting location. I am speaking up and hope this help someone else who may think it is just them it is happened to. You are not alone. The very people who are the front end driving this business are treated like Catfish.
Entire Management Team for Driver Support. They lack empathy, respect, knowledge of policy, arrogance and pride is a bit too much, immaturity retaliation practice when driver request any type of review of ratings or policies. Always seem combative when you question anything sometimes without facts or thoroughly listening to conversation. Use long hold or hold time improperly to avoid concern, by guaranteeing an alternative solution example “specialty team will contact you in 24-48 hrs” (never do) or place on hold with intentional motive to voluntary drop calls, (call back same scenario 6 times) (I am not racist but it always seem to be the same race that answers the support line & pass you back and forward) when I first started driving more of a diverse support team. shift blame on policy or the driver with no remorse or accountability in order to research and resolve. Not reliable always using the same copy paste phrases/tool to avoid resolve. Majority of the copy paste responses are irrelevant to the concern. This tactic I’m discovering is used to manipulate & avoid the direct concern in order to bring confusion or frustration & to deter people from calling back for help or lose interest, in reaching out again or to another agent for resolution. And so much more. Disable Driver’s App features internally to cause your app to be inoperable or login, even the “contact us” button”. these all are a form of retaliation if you are questioning policy due to unfair treatment or any money miscalculated issues. Have not been reimbursed for tolls in over 3 months after sending proof as requested, Uber fee percentage miscalculated and now no tips or lower tips after questioning or fighting for what is owed. Also taking a dive with rating cause now being offered rides over 45 minutes from starting location. I am speaking up and hope this help someone else who may think it is just them it is happened to. You are not alone. The very people who are the front end driving this business are treated like Catfish.