
Ride Apprentice

7 Driver


Posts by agtpony

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Comments by agtpony

  • It's understandable people can make choices as independent contractors however being stranded at 1 or 2 in the morning at an unfamiliar City trying to make an airplane and the driver just literally heads off in the opposite direction for 20 minutes and then cancels the ride has not happened once or twice but it happens about 20% of the times as a traveler across the country I cannot tell you how many times I've been left Stranded by incompetent drivers who just cancel for no reason or if you see a better opportunity and take it I cannot tell you how many times I stayed up walking the streets unable to find a open hotel at 3 and 4 in the morning I have several layovers because I take airplanes that I will sometimes have to spend several hours in the city and will take rides but now I just stay in the airport because I can no longer trust any Uber or Lyft to get me where I am going I used to spend 400 to $500 a month on these rides to occupy time I will certainly never enjoy these ride Services again thanks to their high quality Staffing