
Ride Apprentice



Posts by bryantboggs33

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Comments by bryantboggs33

  • I noticed uber took money out of my fare for the toll, probably charged the rider as well. Uber charged the rider 16.57, I was supposed to be paid 6.57, so that means uber pocketed 10+ dollars how does that even make sense when the driver is the one that makes the transaction even happen. Uber can fix the "technical" issues with no problem. They are all scam artists that's why there support team is nothing but Indians. This is so deflating, I just moved to Florida thinking airport to Disney world or vice versa would be huge but if I'm not getting reimbursed I'm just plain getting robbed on top of being paid 40-60% from uber. I've made them so much money, uber needs to be boycotted, there needs to be an uber strike!