GB (gsbbmc)

Ride Apprentice


Posts by gsbbmc

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Comments by gsbbmc

  • I definitely am experiencing this problem.  Initially when I reported the problem, they refunded the toll money to my Wallet  immediately.  Now they are making you wait for the refund for tolls that a driver pays for the rider's trip.  What happens when the toll refunds not returned to the driver reaches a substantial amount and the driver can no longer afford to continue  coughing up the money for new tolls, because the old ones haven't been paid?  

  • I definitely am experiencing this problem.  Initially when I reported the problem, they refunded the toll money to my Wallet  immediately.  Now they are making you wait for the refund for tolls that a driver pays for the rider's trip.  What happens when the toll refunds not returned to the driver reaches a substantial amount and the driver can no longer afford to continue  coughing up the money for new tolls, because the old ones haven't been paid?