James Yankoviz (jamesyankoviz)

Ride Apprentice from Austin, Texas

No riders left behind!

Please, everyone!  Be thoughtful to other drivers!  It's difficult to do sometimes, but keep in mind that the driver who just made a bad move really didn't mean to offend you personally, and remember that it'll be YOU in that situation at some time.  I really think that's why the Uber and Lyft drivers are better at the airport than the general public.  They understand that they'll soon be in a position where they are the one who needs a little courtesy and understanding from some stranger/driver.


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Comments by jamesyankoviz

  • my rating after 557 lyft rides is 4.99.  Yesterday it actually read "5.0"...but today it went back to 4.99.  With Uber I have a rating of 4.96.  I think it's because I've ALWAYS been able to converse extremely well with strangers...even better than those people i actually KNOW. ( It's also a really valuable gift to be blessed with when it comes to job interviews.)  I believe it's the main reason for my high ratings.  However, being a  quality driver is huge as well.  Everyone thinks they're a  good driver.  Everyone IS NOT.  I'm conscientious and patient, and I'm courteous toward others on the road.  I truly try to keep a good distance from ALL other vehicles.  I provide USB chargers for both Android and iPhones, and an extra one of each in case 2 passengers each have an iPhone (which happened exactly this way just today!)  and I keep my car as clean as possible.  I love this job...