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Posts by lanelbedard

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Comments by lanelbedard

    {{ ratingSum }}
     2 years ago in  Uber CEO tries UberEats and makes...craploads

    " As a concession to labour groups, the companies put in a provision that they would offer stipends to subsidise their workers’ private healthcare " slope game

    This was not a concession to labor groups, it was a successful attempt to get California voters to vote for their ballot proposition.

    So this techie multi-millionaire forgets (or never knew) that commission delivery is "a competitive team sport" - i.e. You compete against your own teammates. He can't go on a bike ride for its own sake; he has to take another $106.71 from Uber delivery workers.

    I've lived in San Francisco since 1982, my Dad was stationed here during WW II. Techies have ruined this once great city.