Brandon Mayer (mayerbrandont)

Ride Apprentice


Posts by mayerbrandont

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Comments by mayerbrandont

    {{ ratingSum }}
     2 years ago in  Lyft streak bonuses

    It's possible there are other reasons you don't qualify for the promotion. Though, I'm just another driver and going off the information I have seen and my own experience, keep that in mind.

    Anyway, I believe new drivers aren't eligible for driving promotions. I don't recall the cutoff. It could certainly be that you need 100 rides or a month or more of driving. 

    For now I would double check that you're both in the same region as well. You only recieve bonuses based on the region you signed up as. You may for some odd reason be different. There are ways to look this up. 

    Other factors can be your rating such as number of stars, safety flags, or your acceptance rate. I know these effect Lyft Silver, Gold, and Platinum. I do not know how they interact with other bonuses, I've never been low enough in any categories to find out.

    I would keep driving for a few weeks, double check your region, and contact lyft support.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     2 years ago in  An Inside Look at Lyft’s Streak Bonuses

    If I am in a ride before a streak begins and complete the ride during the streak, does that ride count towards my streak? I am not sure, I am of the opinion that it doesn't, and that causes me to try to ensure I am not in a ride at the beginning of the streak, yet when it does happen... it appears like it counted it but I'm never really sure.