
Ride Apprentice

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  Is it true that Uber Scheduled Rides are not guaranteed?

    The huge difference between the two:

    * Lyft cleanly puts scheduled rides on a calendar system. The Lyft drivers then can select where they need to be by when (say, 6 AM in three days, say 5 miles away) and a rough estimate of the journey (10+ miles is usually the airport). Then they have an ethical if not business duty to be there right on time, or even a few minutes early. This works very well for everyone usually.

    * Uber just auto-polls for drivers 10-30 minutes before your journey. When I've been at my parents in a major city's suburb 20 miles from the airport, not knowing this, i have missed a 4 AM flight because THERE WERE ZERO uber drivers in that area at that time. I had assumed it was like Lyft's. 

    * While the Lyft driver will know for sure that the ride is a scheduled one, and can prepare way in advance to make it work, Uber drivers are not told it is a scheduled ride. Thus, you have to deal with all those uber drivers taking their sweet time, driving in circles, filling Lyft ordres and making you wait. Now, you've had 2-3 cancellations and the third guy, just has to make it in the next 7 minutes or you're going to be mad-dashing to the terminal, all because you've had to wait an extra 30 minutes. That happened to me ALL THE TIME when i booked airport travels -around the world- via Uber in 2016-2017. 

    * Then I switched to Lyft and never once had that headache.

    * Note: I am now an Uber driver for fun and to become in the top tier of professionals in my area. I have a star rating of 4.95 and I average about $20/hour in Uber X in a city that only earns about $8 on average. I only do it for 10-20 hours a week. But on weekends, I religiously do airport destinations via Scheduled Lyfts, and it is a much better experience for everyone. This has to be costing Uber big-time jjust to save what must just be $500,000-1,000,000 in development expenses (I also run software startups lol). Their shareholders should revolt right now.

    [PS If you're a major stockholder of Uber and want it to succeed, please compel them to offer actual scheduled-rides like Lyft and taxi services, and when you're successful, please tip me a few thousand, because I'm sure that'll increase the profitablility of the company.]