CV McDonald⭐️⭐️⭐️ (vdld)

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Comments by vdld

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    Lisa, I assume you are in NYC, based on your user name.  Have you downloaded the Curb app?  It works  just like Uber except it uses yellow cabs.  It’s great, and there are no passenger ratings!

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    I am in the same boat as you, NycLisa.  I am a perfectly lovely passenger but my rating is 4.59.  I believe I figured it out.  My very first time trying Uber was when I was visiting NY several years ago.  I loaded the app and started playing around with it.  I thought I was just getting a quote for a particular trip but I actually confirmed the ride without realizing it.  Within a minute the driver was outside my midtown hotel!  I called his cell phone and explained but he was very angry and hung up on me.  I believe he rated me 1 Star.  I counted up all my rides in my Uber account.  If I was rated 5.0 on every ride and 1.00 on that first non-ride, and then divided by the total number of rides it came out to exactly 4.59.  You might have a similar situation where you have a perfect 5.0 on every ride except one where the driver was angry.  One single 1-star rating will drag your average way down.