
Ride Apprentice

4 Driver


Posts by Happy_Pappy

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Comments by Happy_Pappy

  • A drunk newlywed wife.

    The cab company I worked for ( in 97 ) at the time had a bar hopping schedule prepaid by the parents of a regular daily customer on their wedding night. I got the last bar pickup heading to the Holiday Inn. Pulled up, he asked if she could wait until he got the key, no problem. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, no hubby. So I went to check on him. When I described him to the clerk and explained why I was looking for him the clerk gave me a strange look before he burst out in laughter.

    The guy I brought to the hotel had entered the lobby, went to a room on the other side of the pool. Him and another female walked out and exited through another door. 

    Not knowing what else to do I had my dispatcher contact her parents and I took her to their house...

    I returned to active duty military not long after that, several years later I came home on leave and visited a few of my old cabbie buddies. I found out that while she was able to get the wedding annulled, she's never seen or heard from him again. Poor girl.

  • Back in my can driving days I kept a child seat strapped in behind my seat. It not only provided said parents the ability to legally transport their toddler. But it kept " unsavory types " from being able to sit behind me. Minor inconvenience, but a win win in the long run.

  • Back in my can driving days I kept a child seat strapped in behind my seat. It not only provided said parents the ability to legally transport their toddler. But it kept " unsavory types " from being able to sit behind me. Minor inconvenience, but a win win in the long run.