Inadvertently or intentionally. :)
What is the weirdest thing a passenger left in your car (Uber, Lyft, etc.)?
Posted 6 years, 9 months ago
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Can I use either one Lyft or Uber for just a one way to come home with groceries?
Not sure if this is weird or not, but one time I had an entire trunk full of catered foods. like vegetable plates, fruits, plates and napkins, packaged soups, etc. etc.
It was well over 30 minutes when she got a hold of me. I drove back to her house, probably well over an hour after drop off. She thanked me profusely, and gave me a huge tip, to which i tried to decline multiple times. (I mean, it was definitely part my fault. I forgot too, and I even helped her load the car.)
This reminds me of this forum topic:
How many lost items do drivers see? How often?
The most common item left/lost/forgotten in an Uber is...
I had someone leave his sandwich board in the trunk. He never claimed it back, and it sat in my garage for months.
I am talking about one of those you hang over your shoulders and you stand on the street corner.
I had to look it up.
I didn't even notice that it said sandwich *board*. I thought he was talking about a sanwdich. literal.
what was it for? Do you think he got fired for losing it?
It was a sign for a new furniture store opening. Maybe it was a limited time thing so no one cared?
though I can see why he'd want to quit that job. probably just never went back.
A drunk newlywed wife.
The cab company I worked for ( in 97 ) at the time had a bar hopping schedule prepaid by the parents of a regular daily customer on their wedding night. I got the last bar pickup heading to the Holiday Inn. Pulled up, he asked if she could wait until he got the key, no problem. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, no hubby. So I went to check on him. When I described him to the clerk and explained why I was looking for him the clerk gave me a strange look before he burst out in laughter.
The guy I brought to the hotel had entered the lobby, went to a room on the other side of the pool. Him and another female walked out and exited through another door.
Not knowing what else to do I had my dispatcher contact her parents and I took her to their house...
I returned to active duty military not long after that, several years later I came home on leave and visited a few of my old cabbie buddies. I found out that while she was able to get the wedding annulled, she's never seen or heard from him again. Poor girl.
OMG, I think this takes the cake. I can't believe he did this to her on their wedding night.
Police Baton. Yes, I had a police baton left in my car once. I drove around with it for half a day, and only noticed when a passenger pointed it out. The guy (I'd imagine a police officer? plain clothed though) never contacted me so it's still in my trunk to this day.
I hope I won't need it.
I wonder why no other passenger pointed it out. Maybe they thought it was yours and for your protection.
A bit weird to find something like that though. I mean for other passengers who got on after.
A box full of blow torches. and extra fuel.
Yeah, Uber listed the weirdest lost items list, and that was hilarous. It had stuff like Tax Returns and Red Cape.
My life hasn't been nearly that interesting. I have heard of people picking up $1M Stradivarius violin but not me. I do regularly find like party hats, sunglasses (like those shaped with numbers, like 2018), beads, etc.
Phones are left all the time, especially when driving at night. Besides that, I get purses, wallets, clothing items, all the regular stuff you would expect.