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Getting to pick up and finding your passenger has a small child and no car seat

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8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 3 months ago

Drivers if you pick up young children often here is some info that may help you.  No more cancelling rides or transporting young children unsafely. Info below 

Doesn't happen to me often but I've had a few. When I first started driving there were a few pickups that  passenger had younger children with them. They were in seatbelts but should've been in booster seats. In the past few weeks I've had 3 trips involving parents with young children that I had to cancel. Money and time lost but better than getting in accident and that child is not in car seat. I explained to 1st one that I couldn't take them without car seat. Father first said "he will be fine". I said there was no way I would take a chance. He flipped out cussing & screaming at me. As I started to pull away he yelled "i'll get his seat"   At that point no way was picking him up as you know my rating would've been 1 star with a report. Second passenger was a women with a toddler as soon as I said I couldn't take her she replied "other drivers do it and she will be fine" I just replied than order another driver maybe they will take you. I did tell her if she gave me a minute I will cancel so she doesnt get charged  She was so angry she cancelled immediately and got charged 5.00 cancel fee.  Since she was irate at this point screaming at me I didnt ask Uber to give the money back to her. I do not understand why these parents think it's ok to put their small child in a car with a stranger with no car seat. They have no idea if we are safe drivers, high, drunk, (hope not)  or tired. Even if we are the perfect driver what about other drivers on the road? Third time was a f…


Drivers if you pick up young children often here is some info that may help you.  No more cancelling rides or transporting young children unsafely. Info below 

Doesn't happen to me often but I've had a few. When I first started driving there were a few pickups that  passenger had younger children with them. They were in seatbelts but should've been in booster seats. In the past few weeks I've had 3 trips involving parents with young children that I had to cancel. Money and time lost but better than getting in accident and that child is not in car seat. I explained to 1st one that I couldn't take them without car seat. Father first said "he will be fine". I said there was no way I would take a chance. He flipped out cussing & screaming at me. As I started to pull away he yelled "i'll get his seat"   At that point no way was picking him up as you know my rating would've been 1 star with a report. Second passenger was a women with a toddler as soon as I said I couldn't take her she replied "other drivers do it and she will be fine" I just replied than order another driver maybe they will take you. I did tell her if she gave me a minute I will cancel so she doesnt get charged  She was so angry she cancelled immediately and got charged 5.00 cancel fee.  Since she was irate at this point screaming at me I didnt ask Uber to give the money back to her. I do not understand why these parents think it's ok to put their small child in a car with a stranger with no car seat. They have no idea if we are safe drivers, high, drunk, (hope not)  or tired. Even if we are the perfect driver what about other drivers on the road? Third time was a father around midnight with small child coming out of the ER. I felt awful declining the ride. I tried to think of every possible situation but in the end it was too much of a risk. He asked what he could do? I said order another Uber and hope they take you or try a taxi. That particular one weighed heavy on my mind for days. I am not concerned about getting a ticket chances of that are slim. What my concern is suppose there is an accident and child is ejected out of car, child gets thrown into windshied, etc. How do you live with that for the rest of your life? I went to Walmart and picked up a booster seat 12.87+tax. It's not going to be safe for any child under 4 depending on their size. It's not the safest for a young child but better than nothing. I had a 3.5 yr old today who I put in the booster and she was fine her weight and height were within range. It will not cover every child but if they are 35" tall 40 to 80lbs your good to go. Any rider I had with a baby has brought a car seat so far. 

For $13.89 at Wal Mart you can safely transport children. I made that back in 1st trip. No need to cancel now and it feels much bettter knowing the child you are driving is safely buckled in car seat.  Now I have 2 riders who will text me when they need Uber (she lives 2 blocks away other lives 1.5 miles from me) they use Uber a lot. Best investment to date. Just thought I would share in hopes this may help some other drivers from  losing money. BTW car seat is light weight not bulky can be stored in your trunk without taking up much space. I just went on Walmart's website they have an even better one with a back on it for 25.00 plus tax. This one would be better but would take up slightly more room to store but still lightweight (I didnt see this one at time of purchasing other one). This seat can safely be used for a child who is 30lbs or more. You can remove the back portion of this one for child who is over 40lbs. Wish I would've seen this one rhe day I purchased other one.  If I can figure out how to do it I will post pic.


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    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Yet another careless, irresponsible, dumb parent again today this time it was Lyft.  I pull up to 2 teens and out comes a late 30 early 40 something mom with a 4 yr old.  I tell her sorry cant take you without carseat. I quote "this is rediculous you are the 2nd driver who will not take us, what is the problem with you drivers".  I laughed. I then responded we dont have the problem you do. You may not care that your child goes through the windshield or is ejected from car and his badly injured or killed  but I do.  I will bet within minutes of the accident  you have an appt with a lawyer to start filing lawsuits against me because I chose to drive with your child not in a car seat. As a parent what the hell is your problem? At first she was shocked. Once her pea sized brain processed what I said then the "how f ing dare you more obscenities such as the ever so classy c word followed that was the last I heard as window went up & I was 3 …


    Yet another careless, irresponsible, dumb parent again today this time it was Lyft.  I pull up to 2 teens and out comes a late 30 early 40 something mom with a 4 yr old.  I tell her sorry cant take you without carseat. I quote "this is rediculous you are the 2nd driver who will not take us, what is the problem with you drivers".  I laughed. I then responded we dont have the problem you do. You may not care that your child goes through the windshield or is ejected from car and his badly injured or killed  but I do.  I will bet within minutes of the accident  you have an appt with a lawyer to start filing lawsuits against me because I chose to drive with your child not in a car seat. As a parent what the hell is your problem? At first she was shocked. Once her pea sized brain processed what I said then the "how f ing dare you more obscenities such as the ever so classy c word followed that was the last I heard as window went up & I was 3 houses down by then. I am waiting for a a message from Lyft or waiting to log on and not be able to. Although I would hope she wouldnt embarass herself further by telling yet another person how irresponsible, unfit, and careless she is. This took place around 8am. So far can still log on. Lol If it comes to that oh well. I keep my mouth shut all the time but enough is enough Uber and Lyft should automatically ban them from platform if requesting rides with young children and no car seat. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    107 Driver
     6 years ago

    I cringe everytime I pull up and my passenger has a small kid. I just cannot justify giving a ride to a child who is not properly seated. My sentiments reflect yours exactly, I truly could not live with myself if I was to get in an accident and hurt or god forbid kill a child. With that said I feel like booster seats are not much better. Half of them don't even seem to connect into the car properly. I guess this is better than nothing as you mentioned but I wish there was an even better way.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      There is Uber SUV with carseat but if parents wont purchase a cheap carseat they sure as hell wont pay the price of the SUV with carseat. I dont understand these parents. What the hell are they thinking? Onviously they dont think or care. Their logic must be it wont happen to them. They need to wise the hell up.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      81 Driver
       6 years ago

      The boosters that do not put you liable for car seat failure are the ones that are like a box with armrests that raises the child up so the seat belt fits properly.  This type of booster is NOT a car seat and should only be used for a child 5 and up.  Anything less than that needs the high back booster or 5 point high back car seat or 5 point bucket seat.   So 4 and under no car seat no ride and no the child is not old enough to use my booster.

      Dr Jill

    {{ ratingSum }}
    75 Driver
     6 years ago

    It always bothers me when the parents get all pissed that I wont take their ride. Like Honestly, you are upset that I am protecting your child?! Some people jsut shouldnt have kids.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    810 Driver
     6 years ago

    You are responsible enough to go out of your way and buy a booster, where the parents themselves are not, very sad.

    I refuse to invest into such supplies, as it is responsibility of the parent. Enough drivers refuse these rides, such paretns will scratch their heads and realize that drivers care about their kids more than they do, and hoefully will invest in some sort of appropriate seating device for the age, weight and height of their children that they can bring with them on a ride.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      I needed one for my daughter in laws nephew last week. I dont have him much but when I do I dont want to be driving him with no seat as his parents dont seem to care. I picked a lady up yesterday who Ubers everywhere including daily to work and home. She drops off and  picks her 3 yr old up also in Uber daily. Ubers on weekends also.  I just dont understand these parents. I dont know if I would be comfortable taking my toddler in an Uber period let alone no seat. You have no idea if drivers are tired, on drugs, reckless, etc... How do you as a parent put your child in a car with a stranger in no car seat. It's beyond my comprehension.  The parent at the ER broke my heart as I hated to leave him although I am sure next driver picked them up. Just dont want to be in that situation again. Parents may be irresponsible but I just cant do it.  

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    Cancel immediately. Any small thing that happens and you will be in big trouble with the law.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      I dont even stop when I see they have small children if possible. All they do is argue with you or say"I never had a problem before" or "other drivers do it".  

    {{ ratingSum }}
    81 Driver
     6 years ago

    First of all Taxi drivers are bound by the same car seat laws that we as rideshare drivers are.  No car seat no ride!  Their option is to take a bus or call a friend to borrow a car seat.

    Second of all most children under age 5 should NOT just be in a backless booster seat.  And NEVER purchase a rear facing car seat or a highback car seat or a bucket car seat to lend to riders.  They are not considered safe after an accident.  Just think if you loaned a seat [not just a backless booster but a real car seat] and you were involved in an accident [regardless of who is to blame for the accident] and the child gets hurt.  The parents could sue you for having a defective car seat - remember you loaned it to them!  You would lose -- I have had several lawyers look into this and you can use a backless booster for a 5 and up year old.  Some kids at 9 require a booster as they are short. 

    Only offer for loan a backless type booster - the kind t…


    First of all Taxi drivers are bound by the same car seat laws that we as rideshare drivers are.  No car seat no ride!  Their option is to take a bus or call a friend to borrow a car seat.

    Second of all most children under age 5 should NOT just be in a backless booster seat.  And NEVER purchase a rear facing car seat or a highback car seat or a bucket car seat to lend to riders.  They are not considered safe after an accident.  Just think if you loaned a seat [not just a backless booster but a real car seat] and you were involved in an accident [regardless of who is to blame for the accident] and the child gets hurt.  The parents could sue you for having a defective car seat - remember you loaned it to them!  You would lose -- I have had several lawyers look into this and you can use a backless booster for a 5 and up year old.  Some kids at 9 require a booster as they are short. 

    Only offer for loan a backless type booster - the kind that looks like a box with arm rests and seat is padded.  Do not ever offer to loan any car seat.

    I do think that parents who say "I have never had this problem - other drivers will drive us." are just being lazy and do not want to carry the car seat around at their destination.  SHAME on them!

    I will not take a child without a car seat and I will not take more riders than I have seat belts for.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      On the booster seat instructions it said 4 and up. Thank you for clarifying that it is 5 and up. If a child is 4 and is the correct height and weight for booster can it be used?  I have no intentions of buying any other seat,  I just decline taking passengers with young children.  I had a trip request Halloween night that as soon as I seen there were 3 kids that needed seats i kept on driving and cancelled. I hate to even stop because riders get angry and argue with me. It's not worth it for any amount of money to pick these riders up. Aside from insurances issues, law suits, etc... I dont want to live with killing a child because they were ejected or thrown through the windshield. I dont understand these parents at all. Two separate pick ups replied "they will be fine". You dont know the drivers that are driving your children. We could be reckless, high, drunk, tired etc..  Why would anyone think its ok. I just dont comprehend what these irresponsible parents are …


      On the booster seat instructions it said 4 and up. Thank you for clarifying that it is 5 and up. If a child is 4 and is the correct height and weight for booster can it be used?  I have no intentions of buying any other seat,  I just decline taking passengers with young children.  I had a trip request Halloween night that as soon as I seen there were 3 kids that needed seats i kept on driving and cancelled. I hate to even stop because riders get angry and argue with me. It's not worth it for any amount of money to pick these riders up. Aside from insurances issues, law suits, etc... I dont want to live with killing a child because they were ejected or thrown through the windshield. I dont understand these parents at all. Two separate pick ups replied "they will be fine". You dont know the drivers that are driving your children. We could be reckless, high, drunk, tired etc..  Why would anyone think its ok. I just dont comprehend what these irresponsible parents are thinking. What if parent brings the carseat and carseat is defective and you get in accident? Are we still liable because we transported them? Thanks for great info. 


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        {{ ratingSum }}
        81 Driver
         6 years ago

        Yes, according to PA and Ohio and WV and VA and NY state laws it is 5 and up to be in a backless booster.

        If the parent brings the carseat and the carseat is defective and you get into an accident question.  If the car seat is tested after the accident and determined to be defective [check with your rideshare car insurance] then you are not liable for any injury resulting from the defective car seat.  However, if you are at fault for the accident you would be responsible for only that part of the issue.  Uber and Lyft both have insurance to cover you [after deductable] while you are enroute to pick up or actually driving with a rider.  After checking this out with your rideshare insurance [do ask about it ahead of time] you still might want to check with an attorney, just to be safe.  

        I agree that I never want to be responsible for hurting a child and am amazed that parents either don't care or are too lazy to go in and get the car seat and carry i…


        Yes, according to PA and Ohio and WV and VA and NY state laws it is 5 and up to be in a backless booster.

        If the parent brings the carseat and the carseat is defective and you get into an accident question.  If the car seat is tested after the accident and determined to be defective [check with your rideshare car insurance] then you are not liable for any injury resulting from the defective car seat.  However, if you are at fault for the accident you would be responsible for only that part of the issue.  Uber and Lyft both have insurance to cover you [after deductable] while you are enroute to pick up or actually driving with a rider.  After checking this out with your rideshare insurance [do ask about it ahead of time] you still might want to check with an attorney, just to be safe.  

        I agree that I never want to be responsible for hurting a child and am amazed that parents either don't care or are too lazy to go in and get the car seat and carry it with them at their destination.  Taking the bus is their only other option to travel without a car seat.  Note:  An infant still in a bucket seat must have that seat to ride on a bus!

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    4 Driver
     5 years ago

    Back in my can driving days I kept a child seat strapped in behind my seat. It not only provided said parents the ability to legally transport their toddler. But it kept " unsavory types " from being able to sit behind me. Minor inconvenience, but a win win in the long run.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    4 Driver
     5 years ago

    Back in my can driving days I kept a child seat strapped in behind my seat. It not only provided said parents the ability to legally transport their toddler. But it kept " unsavory types " from being able to sit behind me. Minor inconvenience, but a win win in the long run.