Lisa Jen (Nyclisa)

Ride Apprentice from Nyc

Lisa the cat lover in nyc here
18 Rider


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Comments by Nyclisa

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    Reading through this whole thread is deeply distressing.  I think I’m done with Uber and lyft now.  I will pay more if I must.  It’s too awful and toxic. I’m reading about drivers who won’t pick up passengers with a rating under 4.8 for fear of “revenge” ratings and “concerted efforts” to low rank everyone as a protest.  Again it’s like the victims attacking each other irrationally.  It brings out such awful things in people and it’s like a big mind game that these companies are playing. The appropriate protest would be five star everyone all the time no matter what and be as vocal as you can about how screwed up it is.  Or, in a dream world, everyone would stop using Uber and stop driving for Uber and let an ethical option come into being.  But they are too big and too rich and too powerful now. Untouchable just because they were first to the game.  I think I can’t In  good conscience continue, though I don’t know what good options I have.  I must travel a lot for my work. I hate driving especially in the city and don’t want to own a car but may have no choice. There’s regular metered cabs or car services. It will cost a lot more. But I will maybe just have to pay the difference then.  I hate supporting these companies. I don’t mean the drivers, Obviously.  They are just doing a job and trying to earn a living.  But everything about these companies sickens me. The percentage they take and that they are such poor corporate citizens and don’t care at all what impact their system has on people and won’t ever even think about it. I feel sorry for everyone involved. I don’t want to be involved anymore. Must find another way.  I know my absence will make not a jot of difference. But it’s one less unpleasant thing in my life and One less unethical and unjust thing I’m just floating along and supporting. Will be poorer but feel better if I don’t. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    Thanks brownbear. But it still bothers me.  I think the rating system is obscene. I think there should be a method by which both driver and passenger can report problems and request not to be matched again. But it should be anonymous and that’s all it should be.. Uber and lyft and the like are toxic companies and it astounds me that the response to this issue is that fellow victims to go after each other in some kind of childish protest or backlash..  Any system whereby someone’s livelihood or ability to use a service  that is open to the public can be jespardozed by things like racism or sexism or hatred of religions, hatred of sexual orientation or someone’s random mood is wrong, unethical, illegal. And I’m very sure there are those out there ranking and rating based on such things.  And there’s no way to know so no way to even have the discussion. It’s arbutrary.   And that there is no recourse and no method by which you can make the determination  to defend yourself....  how is it even legal?   Every time I use one of these services I feel like I’m supporting something bad in our world.  But sadly there are not good choices. Yes I know lots of people earn an income and benefit from it. And it’s convenient.  But it could be those things without being unethical and destructive to the social fabric of our communities. Because that’s what it is.  

  • I have never not tipped.  Minimally $2 every trip no matter how short and 25-35% for long haul. However if I ever ever find a driver who doesn’t torture me with forced chatter for an hour I tip at my higher percentage.  They are sooooooooo rare 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    i am late to this discussion, and new to this forum, so forgive me if I shouldn’t be posting here. I take Uber a lot for work. Typically very long trips too of about an hour.  The drivers are usually pretty happy about that as it’s a nice fare.  I think I’m being honest when I say I’m a very easy passenger. I order the car when I’m outside and waiting. I infinitely prefer working or resting quietly in the car but if the driver insists on chatting, which from my experience is 99% of the time, I pleasantly talk with them about whatever they want. Except for one time where the driver was truly awful to me, I always give five stars and a big tip.  I don’t eat or drink or make a mess. I let them rant about  politics and agree even if I don’t.  I am as pleasant as I can be largely because I was a waitress in college and I know what it’s like to work with the public and I know what it’s like to need tips etc. and I understand they are probably bored and possibly lonely in this work so I will be a friendly companion if I must. I hate having an hour of chatter with a stranger.  I’m often tired as I have a really hard job and work 80 hours many weeks  and that hour of just resting would be lovely.  Or if not,  I could answer email or catch up on work stuff.  But long ago I realized they won’t let me so don’t expect it and I resolve to just treat the person like a friend who needs to talk and I always do. I feel like this should be worth something. The fact I let them decide if we talk and about what an I try my best to listen and reply in as friendly a way I can. And  I don’t slam the door. And in fact am super careful about that. I wear my seat belt .   I thank them even when they got lost or made me late with some mistake.  In short I work hard to be as pleasant as I can be and I always tip really well.  Why is my rating 4.8?   That seems really unfair and nasty.  I need to get a car I think.