Deb Davis (PookiePoo)
Ride Apprentice from Dallas
Uber Goober
20 Rider DriverActivity
Posts by PookiePoo
Do you smell?
For some, it's culture, for others it's lazy. If you smell when getting into a car from body odor and … -
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Do you tip? Do you smell? Do you leave junk in the car?
I will not pick up passengers below a 4.8. Below that typically means they don’t tip, are rude, smell like curry body odor, leave messes in cars or they are creepy!
I later found out during the ride that she had been beaten and raped. So, is it discrimination that she wants a female driver? I probably would too, in her shoes.
Think about how it looks in a court of law if you are in an accident with a minor. Their parents will sue you and if you have a home, they will own it by the time they are done. From a liability standpoint, you put yourself at risk.
What happens if some 16 year old girl gets in the car and lies to her parents that the Uber driver touched her? There is no way I would play dumb to underage drivers. Their parents would not think twice about suing you if something happened.
You have to protect yourself. No judge would ever accept the statement, “Well, how was I supposed to know she was under 18!”
A $5/$10 fare is not worth being held guilty when it comes to minors.
I have had passengers cancel when they see who their driver is and keep trying until they get a female. It eventually works, depending on how much time you have.
Assault, rape, harrassment...things that men NEVER worry about.
I don't pick up anyone under a 4.8. When there is surge and it's busy (raining etc...), I only pick up 4.9 and up. Low scores means there are issues with the passenger and they probably don't tip at all.
I do not liking taking VIP's unless they are are 4.95 or up. They typically NEVER TIP! I stick to passengers wtih ratings of 4.85 and up. They are typically the ones tha tip. In the Dallas area, if you are a non-tipper, many of the drivers will downrate you. Once you get a score below a certain range (let's say 4.6) most drivers will not bother with you.