Victor Hoff (Wordsmithist)
Ride Apprentice from San Diego
5K Rides Later and I'm Still Smiling
9 Rider DriverI do ridehsare for Lyft, Uber and now Bounce. I started over two years ago with Lyft and Uber and really love to meet new people, chat about life and discover new parts of this great city I have lived in for twenty years. And I've only had to kick out one person from my car ever.
What a horrible thing to have to witness. I hope the driver seeks counseling.
For you, yes. For me, no. It's strictly a business decision and people do understand. This is my business and i run it accordingly.
I have a standard answer for that (although I have almost never been asked if I have water): The reason is simple: I used to carry water by rarely got tipped for providing it. So it cost me more money to provide the service than the service was worth.
That's the honest truth and people understand. (Or, at least I've never been rated poorly for it.)