If this isn't ominous I don't know what is...
In all seriousness though, this is so sad :(
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Driver for Uber since 2014
If this isn't ominous I don't know what is...
In all seriousness though, this is so sad :(
Wonder what kind of clean up fee you would get from Uber for this
Did the driver get a cleanup fee at least...
Man, these comments are dark...
Dont think Uber can charge a dead persons credit card for cleaning fees..
Taking a taxi was so painful he figured he'd kill himself. literally.
All these stupid stories... I drove a NYC cab from 1986 to 1994 ( night shift ) and never had this type of craziness because I knew where to cruise , how to cruise , and who to pick and not pick. Never robbed or beaten out of a fare .
What a horrible thing to have to witness. I hope the driver seeks counseling.
If you're gonna off yourself like that just do it in a park or something where you're not messing up someone's stuff..