Uber, Lyft, Taxis, Limos, and others in Zhangshutou, Hsinchu
Availability of Uber, Lyft, Didi, Ola, and other rideshares in Zhangshutou
Zhangshutou, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Are Uber and Lyft available in Zhangshutou? Do Didi and Ola pickup at airports? How much do rideshare drivers earn in Zhangshutou?
This page lists all available rideshare services that RideGuru tracks for Zhangshutou, Hsinchu. Scroll down for nearby airports and transportation hubs where rideshares may be available.
- Blacklane
Service Level Luxury Capacity 1-5 people When you order a Blacklane car, a luxury vehicle with seating for 1-5 people will pick you up.
- Taxi
Service Level Standard Capacity 4 people The traditional taxi cab. Taxis may be hailed on the street or called directly for pickup.
RideGuru's taxi estimates are calculated using TaxiFareFinder, which uses real, up-to-date taxi rates from thousands of locales worldwide.
How much do Uber and Lyft drivers make in Zhangshutou?
Uber and other rideshare drivers set their own hours and can work as much or as little as they want, local laws permitting. Hence, drivers' take-home pay depends on how much they drive. Drivers keep the majority of each fare, and the rest goes to the rideshare company. Most rideshare companies collect a commission as well as a booking fee.
In the United States, Uber drivers make $16.02 per hour before expenses on average, according to a survey of 995 drivers. As a rule-of-thumb, many drivers assume $1.00 per mile as their net take-home after expenses.
For more information, please visit RideGuru’s Driver Earnings, Payout & Take-Home page.
Airports Near Zhangshutou
Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE)
Longtan Air Base
Hsinchu Air Base
Taoyuan Air Base
Zhangshutou Train Stations
Taiwan High Speed Rail Station
Liujia Station
Zhongli Station
Hukou Station
Yangmei Station
Zhubei Station
Recent fares
- 信義路五段, 110, 信義區, 臺北市, Taiwan to 臺北市, Taipei, Taiwan
- 中山路三段, 235, 中和區, New Taipei City, Taiwan to 信義路五段150巷401弄, 110, 信義區, 臺北市, Taiwan
- Grand Hyatt Taipei, 2 Songshou Rd, 臺北市, Taipei 110, Taiwan to 臺灣桃園國際機場 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE), 大園鄉航站南路9號, 大園區, Taoyuan 337, Taiwan
- No. 9號, Hangzhan S Rd, Dayuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 337 to , Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, 忠孝西路一段80號4F、24-35F
- Taipei 101 Observatory Ticketing, 臺北市, Taipei 110, Taiwan to 台北醫學大學附設醫院 第三醫療大樓, 吳興街252號, 臺北市, Taipei 110, Taiwan
- Taipei Songshan Airport (TSA) (臺北松山機場), 松山區敦化北路340號, 臺北市, Taipei 105, Taiwan to Grand Hyatt Taipei, 2 Songshou Rd, 臺北市, Taipei 110, Taiwan
- Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Meeting Point No. 6, 大園區, Taoyuan 337, Taiwan to Ximending Night Market, 臺北市, Taipei 108, Taiwan
- The Tango Hotel Taipei Jiantan, 臺北市, Taipei 111, Taiwan to 臺灣桃園國際機場 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE), 大園鄉航站南路9號, 大園區, Taoyuan 337, Taiwan
- 公車松山車站, 松山區, 臺北市, Taipei 105, Taiwan to 黃金博物館 Golden Museum, 金瓜石金光路8號, 瑞芳區, New Taipei City 224, Taiwan
- 冷水坑遊客服務站 Lengshuikeng Visitor Center, 臺北市, Taipei 111, Taiwan to 捷運劍潭站 MRT Jiantan Station, 中山北路五段65號, 臺北市, Taipei 111, Taiwan
- 古華花園飯店 Hotel Kuva Chateau, No 398 Minchuan Road, 中壢區, Taoyuan 320, Taiwan to 慈湖紀念雕塑公園, 桃園縣大溪鎮復興路一段1097號, 大溪區, Taoyuan 335, Taiwan
- 台北車站站前大廳 Taipei Main Station Lobby, 中正區北平西路三號, 臺北市, Taipei 100, Taiwan to 臺灣桃園國際機場 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE), 大園鄉航站南路9號, 大園區, Taoyuan 337, Taiwan
- 台灣銀行, Terminal 2, 大園區, Taoyuan 337, Taiwan to 渴望會館, 桃園縣龍潭鄉望園區渴望路428號, 龍潭區, Taoyuan 325, Taiwan
- 台灣銀行, Terminal 2, 大園區, Taoyuan 337, Taiwan to 鼎泰豐 Din Tai Fung, 信義路二段194號, 臺北市, Taipei 100, Taiwan
- 富宏牛肉麵, 洛陽街69號, 臺北市, Taipei 108, Taiwan to 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum, 至善路二段221號, 臺北市, Taipei 111, Taiwan
- 小巨蛋囍宴軒, 南京東路四段2號, 臺北市, Taipei 105, Taiwan to 鳥松, 833, 鳥松區, 高雄市, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- 捷運劍潭站 MRT Jiantan Station, 中山北路五段65號, 臺北市, Taipei 111, Taiwan to 小油坑噴氣口, 陽明山, 臺北市, Taipei 112, Taiwan
- 捷運劍潭站 MRT Jiantan Station, 中山北路五段65號, 臺北市, Taipei 111, Taiwan to 小油坑橋, 112, 北投區, 臺北市, Taiwan
- 捷運北投站 MRT Beitou Station (R22), 光明路1號, 臺北市, Taipei 112, Taiwan to 紗帽路, 112, 北投區, 臺北市, Taiwan
- 捷運北投站 MRT Beitou Station (R22), 光明路1號, 臺北市, Taipei 112, Taiwan to 陽明山前山公園, 臺北市, Taipei 112, Taiwan
- 捷運台北車站 MRT Taipei Main Station, 忠孝西路1段49號, 臺北市, Taipei 100, Taiwan to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Meeting Point No. 6, 大園區, Taoyuan 337, Taiwan
- 機場支線, 338, 蘆竹區, Taoyuan, Taiwan to 南崁路二段, 338, 桃園市, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- 機場支線, 338, 蘆竹區, Taoyuan, Taiwan to 臺北市, Taipei, Taiwan
- 環北路, 320, 中壢區, Taoyuan, Taiwan to 莊敬路, 320, 中壢區, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- 老街溪橋, 337, 大園區, Taoyuan, Taiwan to 古華花園飯店 Hotel Kuva Chateau, No 398 Minchuan Road, 中壢區, Taoyuan 320, Taiwan
- 臺北國際航空站第二航廈, 敦化北路340-10號, 臺北市, Taipei 105, Taiwan to Grand Hyatt Taipei, 2 Songshou Rd, 臺北市, Taipei 110, Taiwan
- 臺灣桃園國際機場 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE), 大園鄉航站南路9號, 大園區, Taoyuan 337, Taiwan to 古華花園飯店 Hotel Kuva Chateau, No 398 Minchuan Road, 中壢區, Taoyuan 320, Taiwan
- 臺灣桃園國際機場 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE), 大園鄉航站南路9號, 大園區, Taoyuan 337, Taiwan to 臺北怡亨酒店 Éclat Taipei, 敦化南路一段370號, 臺北市, Taipei 106, Taiwan
- 西門, 108, 萬華區, 臺北市, Taipei, Taiwan to 大新街, 234, 永和區, New Taipei City, Taiwan
- 西門, 108, 萬華區, 臺北市, Taipei, Taiwan to 大西路, 111, 士林區, 臺北市, Taiwan
- 角板山公園, 復興區, Taoyuan 336, Taiwan to 桃園觀光夜市 Taoyuan Tourist Night Market, 中正路, 桃園區, Taoyuan 330, Taiwan
- 長春路, 104, 中山區, 臺北市, Taiwan to 仁愛路四段, 106, 大安區, 臺北市, Taiwan
- 長春路, 104, 中山區, 臺北市, Taiwan to 仁愛路四段, 106, 大安區, 臺北市, Taiwan
- 鼎泰豐 Din Tai Fung, 信義路二段194號, 臺北市, Taipei 100, Taiwan to 鼎泰豐 Din Tai Fung, 南京西路12號B2, 臺北市, Taipei 104, Taiwan