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NYC Ride Volume - Uber "officially" destroys Taxis going into 2018

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1202 Rider Driver Guru
 Posted 6 years, 5 months ago

Is it official?  More Uber trips being taken more than taxis now.

Number of medallions control the # of cars in NYC.  While number of Ubers continue to climb.  

Source: http://toddwschneider.com/posts/taxi-uber-lyft-usage-new-york-city/


    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    NO it is not Uber and etc ,its the filthy politicians who have blood on their thick under the table envelopes. Hey people don't have a heart attack in Manhattan because there is a good chance you will die. If there is ever a major Terrorist attack consider yourself part of the walking dead. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     7 months ago  (edited 7 months ago)

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    53 Rider
     6 years ago

    And this is why NYC traffic has gotten significantly worse over the past 2 years, at this point the fastest transportation option is your own two feet.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    330 Rider
     6 years ago

    First graph.  If you aggregate the three lines, you get how many trips are actually being taken.  That shows how more and more rides are being taken by consumers.  No wonder Manhattan is seeing traffic problems.  

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      Actually, isn't this the saving grace for taxi drivers?  Uber with its new technoogy and convenience is creating more demand.  They aren't necessarily taken rides away from taxi drivers..

    {{ ratingSum }}
    139 Rider
     6 years ago

    Umm...the # of uber cars climbing at that rate is alarming.  Unique vehicles....so those drivers are making less and less then.  

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Not that we didn't know this before, but these graphs are super telling.

    RIP taxis.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    188 Rider
     6 years ago

    Look at Lyft, steady rise. I am rooting for them!

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      Lyft is just as evil as uber.  they are all the same.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    Say it ain't so.  This graph makes me so sad.  What's Manhattan without those Yellow Cabs?  

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
      161 Rider
       6 years ago

      That's ok. Uber will probably just offer yellow cars.  or "UberYellow."  Then we are done.

      So Uber will just be the taxi company.  It's a full circle.