Uber, Lyft, Taxis, Limos, and others in Dublin, Ireland
Availability of Uber, Lyft, Didi, Ola, and other rideshares in Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
Are Uber and Lyft available in Dublin? Do Didi and Ola pickup at airports? How much do rideshare drivers earn in Dublin?
This page lists all available rideshare services that RideGuru tracks for Dublin, Ireland. Scroll down for nearby airports and transportation hubs where rideshares may be available.
- Blacklane
Service Level Luxury Capacity 1-5 people When you order a Blacklane car, a luxury vehicle with seating for 1-5 people will pick you up.
- Talixo
Service Level Standard Capacity 1 person When you book a Talixo car, you will have the option of choosing an economy, business, or luxury class vehicle for a variety of price points. Talixo's cars come in various sizes with their largest size accommodating up to 7 passengers.
- Taxi
Service Level Standard Capacity 4 people The traditional taxi cab. Taxis may be hailed on the street or called directly for pickup.
RideGuru's taxi estimates are calculated using TaxiFareFinder, which uses real, up-to-date taxi rates from thousands of locales worldwide.
- Uber Black
Service Level Luxury Capacity 4 people Uber's original luxury service. When you select an Uber Black car, a high-end sedan with seating for up to 4 people will arrive to pick you up. While you will ride in style, the price for an Uber Black car is significantly higher than an Uber X.
- Uber Taxi
Service Level Standard Capacity 4 people Hail a traditional taxi and pay through your Uber app.
RideGuru's taxi estimates are calculated using TaxiFareFinder, which uses real, up-to-date taxi rates from thousands of locales worldwide.
How much do Uber and Lyft drivers make in Dublin?
Uber and other rideshare drivers set their own hours and can work as much or as little as they want, local laws permitting. Hence, drivers' take-home pay depends on how much they drive. Drivers keep the majority of each fare, and the rest goes to the rideshare company. Most rideshare companies collect a commission as well as a booking fee.
In the United States, Uber drivers make $16.02 per hour before expenses on average, according to a survey of 995 drivers. As a rule-of-thumb, many drivers assume $1.00 per mile as their net take-home after expenses.
For more information, please visit RideGuru’s Driver Earnings, Payout & Take-Home page.
Airports Near Dublin
Dublin Airport (DUB)
Casement Air Base
Weston Airport
Newcastle Aerodrome
Dublin Train Stations
Heuston Station
Towns and Cities in Dublin Area
- Batterstown, Meath
- Batterstown, Meath
- Batterstown, Meath
- Bellewstown, Meath
- Bellewstown, Meath
- Betaghstown, Meath
- Brockagh, Wicklow
- Brockagh, Wicklow
- Castletown, Meath
- Clogheen, Kildare
- Cloncurry, Kildare
- Corballis, Meath
- Corballis, Meath
- Cumminstown, Westmeath
- Grange, Meath
- Newtown, Westmeath
- Drogheda, Louth
- Mylerstown Cross Roads, Kildare
- Glebe, Meath
- Newtown, Kildare
- Stonestown, Westmeath
- Balreask, Meath
- Billistown, Westmeath
- Leabeg, Wicklow
- Carrig, Wicklow
- Lugnagun Great, Wicklow
- Kilmainham, Dublin
- Bray, Kildare
- Ballyroe Cross Roads, Kildare
- Dunbrin, Kildare
- Dunmoe, Meath
- Graigs, Meath
- Tankardrath, Meath
- Sedenrath, Meath
- Milltown, Meath
- Fyanstown, Meath
- Ballykilleen, Offaly
- Shean, Offaly
- Simonstown, Meath
- Porterstown, Kildare
- Arthurstown, Kildare
- Cunard, South Dublin
- Clonylogan, Meath
- Slane, Meath
- Ballinguile, Wicklow
- Shankill, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Ballynadrumny, Kildare
- Newtown Vevay, Wicklow
- Tiknock, Carlow
- Mooneystown, Meath
- Tullaghanstown, Meath
- Boyerstown, Meath
- Galboystown, Meath
- Oghill Bridge, Kildare
- Ballisk, Fingal
- Oristown, Meath
- Philpotstown, Meath
- Kilcumber Bridge, Offaly
- Castletown Tara, Meath
- Baltinoran, Meath
- Killicreny Bridge, Wicklow
- Balrathboyne Glebe, Meath
- The Little Furze, Meath
- Boltown, Meath
- Rampere Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Moyagher, Meath
- Cross of the Cage, Fingal
- Rathcormick, Meath
- Carlanstown, Meath
- Barfordstown, Meath
- Moygaddy, Kildare
- Rockbrook, South Dublin
- Balrickard, Fingal
- Henry Bridge, Kildare
- Curtistown Upper, Meath
- Kilmore, Wicklow
- Lugnaskeagh, Wicklow
- Kiltale, Meath
- Grange, Meath
- Yellowford Cross Roads, Ireland
- Nevitt, Fingal
- Toberultan, Meath
- Ballymount, South Dublin
- Ballardan Great, Meath
- Cloran and Corcullentry, Westmeath
- Moygrehan Lower, Westmeath
- Battiemount, Kildare
- Portraine, Fingal
- Ballinderry, Wicklow
- Grangebellew, Louth
- Grangegeeth Cross Roads, Meath
- Cartland Bridge, Offaly
- Annacurragh, Wicklow
- Clonmellon, Westmeath
- Anaglog Cross, Louth
- Drummin, Wicklow
- Baile Trá, Louth
- Ladyrath, Meath
- Fletcherstown, Meath
- Moyfeagher, Meath
- Brannockstown, Meath
- Monktown, Meath
- Kilcock, Kildare
- Coats Bridge, Wicklow
- Rodena Bridge, Wicklow
- Stokestown, Meath
- Ballinagore, Wicklow
- Ballylug, Wicklow
- Knockaphrumpa, Wicklow
- Trooperstown, Wicklow
- Ballycullen, Wicklow
- Ashford, Wicklow
- Ballardbeg, Wicklow
- Killosseny, Fingal
- Hortland, Kildare
- Roundwood, Wicklow
- Togher, Louth
- Togher, Wicklow
- Drumgoff Bridge, Wicklow
- Cappoge, Fingal
- Harold’s Cross, Dublin
- Cabra, Dublin
- Ballinteer, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Cloncanon, Offaly
- Jonestown Cross Roads, Offaly
- Drumcooly, Offaly
- Cavestown and Rosmead, Westmeath
- Ballinlig, Westmeath
- Moyleroe Little, Westmeath
- Navan, Meath
- Clonarney, Westmeath
- Bolandstown, Westmeath
- Lockstown Lower, Wicklow
- Killadreenan, Wicklow
- Carrigeershinnagh, Wicklow
- Stillorgan, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Bracknagh, Offaly
- Stamullin, Meath
- Mullach Íde, Fingal
- Herbertstown, Meath
- Delgany, Wicklow
- Jamestown, Meath
- Bergins Bridge, Laois
- Wheelahans Bridge, Laois
- Inchacooly, Laois
- Baylough Bridge, Laois
- Fordrath, Meath
- Kilbride, Wicklow
- Kilberry, Meath
- Kilberry, Kildare
- Spinans Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Brannanstown, Meath
- Lusca, Fingal
- Batterjohn, Meath
- Boycetown, Meath
- Branganstown, Meath
- Mitchelstown, Meath
- Kingstown Cross Roads, Fingal
- Robinrath, Meath
- Killeek, Fingal
- Skephubble, Fingal
- Saint Margaret’s, Fingal
- Luttrell’s Cross Roads, Fingal
- Forrest Great, Fingal
- Sheeny, Meath
- Newrath Little, Meath
- Rafeehan, Meath
- Tearmann Feichín, Louth
- Terenure, South Dublin
- Maudlin, Meath
- Moynasboy, Meath
- Summerstown, Meath
- Dogstown, Meath
- Newhaggard, Meath
- Kennastown, Meath
- Moneymore, Meath
- Carberrystown, Meath
- Williamstown, Meath
- Dromin, Louth
- Leopardstown, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Glenealy, Wicklow
- Riversdale, South Dublin
- Peamount, South Dublin
- Milltown, South Dublin
- Galloping Green, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Deans Grange, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Rathgar, Dublin
- Kill of the Grange, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Greystones, Wicklow
- Mullycagh, Wicklow
- Clonegath Cross Roads, Kildare
- Clogheen, Kildare
- Lughil, Kildare
- Kilpedder, Wicklow
- Kingsbog, Kildare
- Ballynacarrick Upper, Kildare
- Abbot’s Cross Roads, Kildare
- Ballycullane, Kildare
- Foxhill, Kildare
- Ardmore, Kildare
- Glendarragh, Wicklow
- Kiltimon, Wicklow
- Ballynerrin, Wicklow
- Knockroe, Wicklow
- Ballygannon, Wicklow
- Ballynabarny, Wicklow
- Hawkstown, Wicklow
- Cookstown Little, Meath
- Rodstown, Meath
- Ongenstown, Meath
- Tullaghanoge, Meath
- Suncroft, Kildare
- Kilrush, Kildare
- Ballynagussaun, Kildare
- Milltown, Meath
- Crockaun, Kildare
- Old Kilcullen, Kildare
- Hanlonstown, Meath
- Lucan, South Dublin
- Kerney Cross Roads, Ireland
- Oldcourt, Wicklow
- Bounds Bridge, Wexford
- Furness, Kildare
- Ballaghtallon, Meath
- Croghan Bridge, Wexford
- Kilnagross, Meath
- Moat Town, Meath
- Monasterevin, Kildare
- Roristown, Meath
- Binn Éadair, Fingal
- Monasteroris, Offaly
- Cionn Átha Gad, Westmeath
- Enniskerry, Wicklow
- Mullagh, Meath
- Knightstown, Meath
- Athgarvan, Kildare
- Clongarret, Offaly
- Avoca, Wicklow
- Rathescar Cross Roads, Louth
- Rathfarnham, South Dublin
- Rathfeigh, Meath
- An Bóthar Buí, Meath
- Ballyroe, Kildare
- Castlereban North, Kildare
- Bert Bridge, Kildare
- Brittas, South Dublin
- Ballinn, Westmeath
- Wicklow, Ireland
- Redgap, South Dublin
- Kirikee, Wicklow
- Lipstown, Kildare
- Dalkey, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Rathleek, Meath
- Kilwoghan, Kildare
- Dunboyne, Meath
- Pluckerstown Bridge, Kildare
- Tullyallen, Louth
- Knockraheen, Wicklow
- Littletown, Kildare
- Rathernan, Kildare
- Dunbyrne, Kildare
- Bostoncommon, Kildare
- Allen, Kildare
- Russellstown, Kildare
- Loughlinstown, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Lougher, Meath
- Jack White’s Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Fordstown, Meath
- Haughtons Bridge, Wicklow
- Clongulery, Meath
- Coolgreany, Wexford
- Gormanstown, Wicklow
- Odder, Meath
- Grange, Meath
- Yellow Furze, Meath
- Ballyoliver, Carlow
- Foxtown, Meath
- Dufty’s Cross Roads, Kildare
- Ballybit Cross Roads, Carlow
- Shanavoola, Kildare
- Crehelp, Wicklow
- Agar Bridge, Kildare
- Lullybeg, Kildare
- Killinthomas, Kildare
- Grange Beg, Westmeath
- Longwood, Meath
- Nevinstown, Meath
- Ferganstown and Ballymacon, Meath
- Dillonstown Cross, Louth
- Civil Hollow, Louth
- Knockglass, Meath
- Clonmore, Louth
- Mahonstown, Meath
- Normanstown, Meath
- Rathdangan, Wicklow
- Newrath Big, Meath
- Rathdrinagh, Meath
- Garristown, Fingal
- Rathfleak, Meath
- Stonehall, Meath
- Umberstown Great, Meath
- Coolderry, Meath
- Clonreagh, Westmeath
- Mylerstown, Kildare
- Ferrard Cross, Louth
- Baile Bhlainséir, Fingal
- Boleybeg Cross Roads, Kildare
- Neillstown, Meath
- Quinsborough, Kildare
- Coralstown, Westmeath
- Dunfierth Cross Roads, Kildare
- Corbally Cross Roads, Kildare
- Heathtown Cross Roads, Meath
- Cherryville, Kildare
- Dowdstown, Meath
- Milltown, Wicklow
- Cloghleagh, Wicklow
- Glencullen, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Kilmessan, Meath
- Gowran Grange, Kildare
- Bonvoge Bridge, Kildare
- Tromman, Meath
- Belaghstown Cross Roads, Kildare
- Hurdlestown, Meath
- Killiskey, Wicklow
- Liscartan, Meath
- Tatestown, Meath
- Curniaghanstown, Meath
- Carbury Sweep, Kildare
- Blackfriary, Meath
- Castlejordan, Meath
- Morristown Upper, Kildare
- Donore, Meath
- Newtownclonbun, Meath
- Burtown Cross Roads, Kildare
- Clonymore, Meath
- Sherlockstown, Kildare
- Ringlestown, Meath
- Tirmoghan Common, Kildare
- Mylerstown Cross Roads, Kildare
- Saulsford Bridge, Carlow
- Bloomsberry, Meath
- Golden Ball, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Kilmacrea Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Curleyland and Mill Land, Meath
- Mullaghboy, Meath
- Gallaher’s Cross Roads, Kildare
- Sea Mount, Fingal
- Windtown, Meath
- Carrigeen Cross Roads, Kildare
- Edenderry, Offaly
- Donaghmore, Meath
- Oldbawn, South Dublin
- Ballynadrimna, Meath
- Rathgorragh, Wicklow
- Castledermot, Kildare
- Febog, Meath
- Balreask, Meath
- Freffans Little, Meath
- Seafield, Fingal
- Knickeen, Wicklow
- Beaumont, Dublin
- Ballycurragh Bridge, Wicklow
- Staplestown, Kildare
- Kealstown, Kildare
- Rosetown, Kildare
- Knock Killua, Westmeath
- Crinstown Cross Roads, Kildare
- Light Town, Meath
- Coonmore, Wicklow
- Springville, Meath
- Drumbaragh, Meath
- Bullys Corner, Carlow
- McCartney’s Bridge, Kildare
- Clondoolusk, Kildare
- Clara Bridge, Wicklow
- Craddanstown, Westmeath
- Killybeg, Wicklow
- Ashtown, Dublin
- Ballycorden, Fingal
- Ballinaclash, Wicklow
- Knockaderry Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Kilcarty, Meath
- Narraghmore, Kildare
- Foxrock, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Sallynoggin, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Clonmore Cross Roads, Offaly
- Drisnoge, Fingal
- Stonehouse, Offaly
- Moymet, Meath
- Rathsallagh, Wicklow
- Rottenhill, Wicklow
- Russellstown Cross Roads, Kildare
- Delvin, Westmeath
- Antylstown, Meath
- Proudstown, Meath
- Knockrath, Wicklow
- Derrypatrick Grange, Meath
- Lispapple Cross Roads, Fingal
- Jamestown, Laois
- Robinstown Great, Westmeath
- Carriggower, Wicklow
- Yellow Walls, Meath
- Woodenbridge, Wicklow
- Chapelmidway, Fingal
- Newtown, Kildare
- Booterstown, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Balbradagh, Meath
- Obelisks, Kildare
- Kells, Meath
- Hill View, Kildare
- Tremblestown, Meath
- Gillstown Little, Meath
- Cannonstown, Meath
- Lunestown, Westmeath
- Boley Cross Roads, Kildare
- Grange Beg, Kildare
- Willbrook, South Dublin
- Wilkinstown, Meath
- Kilboggan Cross Roads, Kildare
- Kilbaylet, Wicklow
- Lugglass Lower, Wicklow
- Oldtown, Fingal
- Pennycomequick Bridge, Wicklow
- Allenwood Cross Roads, Kildare
- Gravelstown, Meath
- Robinstown, Meath
- Martinstown, Meath
- Baile Mhic Gormáin, Meath
- Athboy, Meath
- Brownstown Cross Roads, Kildare
- Ballyfermot, Dublin
- Cappanargid, Kildare
- Rathcoole, South Dublin
- Ford Bridge, Kildare
- Tullaghmedan, Meath
- Coolayna Haggard, Kildare
- Windmill Cross Roads, Kildare
- Simonstown, Westmeath
- Rathwire, Westmeath
- Droichead Nua, Kildare
- Ardinode, Kildare
- Derrygarran Bridge, Ireland
- Killua, Westmeath
- Millicent Cross Roads, Kildare
- Newtown Cross Roads, Kildare
- Tobertoby, Louth
- Three Wells, Wicklow
- Baronrath, Kildare
- Robbersbush, Westmeath
- Hackett’s Cross, Louth
- Tankardstown, Meath
- Stackallan, Meath
- Oldboleys, Wicklow
- Dunleary, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Newtown, Kildare
- Hamilton’s Bridge, Kildare
- An Inse, Meath
- Demailestown, Meath
- Ballough, Fingal
- Clonard, Meath
- Maigh Nuad, Kildare
- Saint Johns Rath, Meath
- Killyon, Kildare
- Sarsfieldstown, Westmeath
- Grange Glebe, Meath
- Blessington, Wicklow
- Summerhill, Meath
- Carrickmines, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Rathconnellwood, Kildare
- Kildoon, Kildare
- Fontstown, Kildare
- Loughabor, Kildare
- Redcross, Wicklow
- Saundersville, Wicklow
- Tipperkevin, Kildare
- Ballycoyle, Wicklow
- Mullaboden, Kildare
- Stonebrook, Kildare
- Harristown, Kildare
- Ballintombay, Wicklow
- Neillstown, Meath
- Shanlis Cross Roads, Louth
- Cannianastown, Wicklow
- Port Mearnóg, Fingal
- Kitchenstown, Fingal
- Clonmalevan, Meath
- Mullaghmore, Meath
- Rataine, Meath
- Halltown, Meath
- Churchtown, Meath
- Walterstown, Meath
- Hartstown, Meath
- Ballitore, Kildare
- Tankardsgarden, Kildare
- Jordanstown, Meath
- Philpotstown, Meath
- Clonroosk, Offaly
- Clonbrown, Offaly
- Rathlumber, Offaly
- Riverstown, Meath
- Cross Guns, Meath
- Smithstown, Meath
- Newcastle, Wicklow
- Ninch East, Meath
- Colp, Meath
- Athgaine Great, Meath
- Rathmore, Meath
- Ballyboy, Meath
- Banestown, Meath
- Rathbride Cross Roads, Kildare
- Lackagh, Kildare
- Ward, Fingal
- Stratford, Wicklow
- Richardstown, Kildare
- Duneany Cross Roads, Kildare
- Kildangan, Kildare
- Roddenagh, Wicklow
- Portlester, Meath
- Sheeanamore, Wicklow
- Aeaun Bridge, Carlow
- Moyagher Lower, Meath
- Curraghtown, Meath
- Volvenstown, Meath
- Crannaghtown, Meath
- Croghan, Wexford
- Julianstown, Meath
- Donaghmore, Meath
- Aurora, Wicklow
- Boycetown, Kildare
- Killbride, Wicklow
- Robinstown, Meath
- Dreminstown, Meath
- Clownings, Kildare
- Newland, Kildare
- Curragh Camp, Kildare
- Straffan, Kildare
- Kilnacoo, Wicklow
- Connary, Wicklow
- Scurlockstown, Meath
- Glack, Meath
- Clonygrange, Meath
- Coolronan, Meath
- Cornan West, Wicklow
- Mullan Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Kilcarney Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Kilcarney, Wicklow
- Carranstown Great, Meath
- Clondalee More, Meath
- Clonycovan, Meath
- Crumpstown, Meath
- Woodenbridge, Offaly
- Derryconor, Meath
- Ballycapple, Wicklow
- Ballaghassaan, Offaly
- Derryrobinson, Offaly
- Lamberstown, Meath
- Grangegoddan Glebe, Meath
- Finglas, Dublin
- Ballynee, Meath
- Laragh, Kildare
- Ballykilleen Cross Roads, Offaly
- Rossmeen, Meath
- Siddan, Meath
- Rhode, Offaly
- Moneymore, Wicklow
- Tinoranhill Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Sutton, Fingal
- Tuckmill, Wicklow
- Granabeg, Wicklow
- Calfstown, Kildare
- Boyne Bridge, Ireland
- Clonkeen Cross Roads, Kildare
- Derlangan, Meath
- Cookstown Great, Meath
- Bective, Meath
- Woodtown, Meath
- Baldongan, Fingal
- Balcunnin, Fingal
- Ballymount, Kildare
- Peterstown, Meath
- Ballybarney, Kildare
- Ballyduff Bridge, Wicklow
- Causestown, Meath
- Lisclogher Little, Westmeath
- Knocknahatlin, Meath
- Pluckstown, Meath
- Grange Con, Wicklow
- Eldon Bridge, Wicklow
- Lackareagh, Kildare
- Baskinagh Upper, Meath
- Baskinagh Lower, Meath
- Stonestown, Meath
- Derrypatrick, Meath
- Stranahely, Wicklow
- Newpark, Wicklow
- Ballinfoyle, Wicklow
- Athgreany, Wicklow
- Monatore, Wicklow
- Whitechurch, Kildare
- The Rhine, Meath
- Ballyboden, South Dublin
- Keadeen, Wicklow
- Kelshabeg, Wicklow
- Knockpatulla, Meath
- Na Sceirí, Fingal
- Mosney, Meath
- Claire Mount, Meath
- Donard, Wicklow
- Whitechurch, South Dublin
- Byrneshill, Wicklow
- Bodenstown, Kildare
- Knockananna, Wicklow
- Valleymount, Wicklow
- Ballardan Little, Meath
- Clonsast Lower, Offaly
- Clontarf, Dublin
- Clonsilla, Fingal
- Loganstown, Meath
- Freffans Great, Meath
- Fairwood, Wicklow
- Milltown, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Sallins, Kildare
- Ballintober, Wicklow
- Clonleasan, Meath
- Kilkeelan, Meath
- Teltown, Meath
- Tankardstown Cross Roads, Carlow
- Kilskeer, Meath
- Drumcondra, Meath
- Hartstown, Fingal
- Corballis, Meath
- Cloncullen, Meath
- Moygrehan Upper, Westmeath
- Ardgreagh, Meath
- Carragh, Kildare
- Dunganny, Meath
- Kilbride, Meath
- Rhode Bridge, Offaly
- Dallyhaysy, Fingal
- Nun’s Cross, Wicklow
- Dysart, Kildare
- Derries, Offaly
- Corragh, Wicklow
- Ballyvolan, Wicklow
- Dunlough, Meath
- Clogh, Wicklow
- Mountkelly, Carlow
- Bawnoge, Wicklow
- Hynestown, Fingal
- Allenwood, Kildare
- Bunglass, Kildare
- Nahana, Offaly
- Cushaling Bridge, Ireland
- Greenan, Wicklow
- Toberdaly Bridge, Offaly
- Newtown Mount Kennedy, Wicklow
- Mullamast Cross Roads, Kildare
- Boakefield, Kildare
- Drumcar, Louth
- Robinstown, Meath
- Rodstown, Meath
- Shanco, Meath
- Scalp, Wicklow
- Santry, Dublin
- Johnstown, Wicklow
- Broomfield Cross Roads, Kildare
- Ethelstown, Meath
- Muchwood, Meath
- Rathcobican, Offaly
- Portan, Meath
- Trimblestown Bridge, Offaly
- Bray, Wicklow
- Oldgrange, Kildare
- Tomriland Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Ballysheemen, Wicklow
- Irishtown, Meath
- Kilcoole, Wicklow
- Newtownfortescue, Meath
- Ballinafunshoge, Wicklow
- Baravore, Wicklow
- Killure, Offaly
- Stramillian, Kildare
- Coolcor, Offaly
- Dervotstown, Westmeath
- Rathdrum, Wicklow
- Culmullin Cross Roads, Meath
- Moone, Kildare
- Monkstown, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Balsaw, Meath
- Annfield, Fingal
- Mulhurddart, Fingal
- Phibblestown, Fingal
- Cushaling, Offaly
- Raheen, Wicklow
- Intack, Wicklow
- Knockandarragh, Wicklow
- Donaghmore, Wicklow
- Davidstown, Wicklow
- Kelsha Bridge, Wicklow
- Grangegeeth, Meath
- Ballyheashill, Offaly
- Ballybryan, Offaly
- Balrath South, Westmeath
- Clonleame, Westmeath
- Martinstown Cross Roads, Kildare
- Casstletowndelvin, Westmeath
- Baltinglass, Wicklow
- Balrothery, Fingal
- Paristown, Westmeath
- Ballinabrackey, Meath
- Ballinalea, Wicklow
- Aghavannagh, Wicklow
- Galtrim, Meath
- Clongall Bridge, Meath
- Ballyboggan Bridge, Ireland
- Glynn Cross Roads, Kildare
- Rathnew, Wicklow
- Rathnally, Meath
- Kilrainy Cross Roads, Kildare
- Curristown, Westmeath
- Clonmore, Carlow
- Arklow, Wicklow
- Umberstown Little, Meath
- Capranny, Meath
- Firhouse, South Dublin
- Inchaquire, Kildare
- Sheriffhill, Kildare
- Ralrass, Westmeath
- Corbetstown, Westmeath
- Joristown Lower, Westmeath
- Joristown Upper, Westmeath
- Blackwood, Kildare
- Brewel, Kildare
- Saint Marnocks, Fingal
- Thomastown Cross Roads, Kildare
- O’Neill’s Cross Roads, Kildare
- Ticknevin Bridge, Kildare
- Laragh, Wicklow
- Hodgestown, Kildare
- Milltown, Louth
- Digby Bridge, Kildare
- Mainham, Kildare
- Hartstown, Wicklow
- Harlinstown, Meath
- Cruisetown, Louth
- Firmount Cross Roads, Kildare
- Cobbler’s Cross, Louth
- Springfield, Kildare
- Cluain Aodha, Meath
- Tullylost Cross Roads, Kildare
- Garadice, Meath
- Rathkenny, Meath
- Wheelam Cross Roads, Kildare
- Knockatemple, Wicklow
- Tomcoyle Lower, Wicklow
- Killagh, Westmeath
- Ballyearn, Meath
- Copperalley, Westmeath
- Ballynaskeagh, Westmeath
- Johnstown Bridge, Kildare
- Naas, Kildare
- Kilmore, Kildare
- Kildare, Ireland
- Castletown, Kildare
- Clonalvy, Meath
- Gibstown, Meath
- Clongill, Meath
- Kilgowan, Kildare
- Thornton, Kildare
- Logatrina, Wicklow
- Shankill, Wicklow
- Ballyfolan, Wicklow
- Hempstown, Wicklow
- Ballycorus, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Kiltiernan, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Tinahely, Wicklow
- Kildalkey, Meath
- Goatstown, Kildare
- Ballyknockan, Wicklow
- Scrawtown, Kildare
- The Hutters Cross Roads, Kildare
- Coolearagh, Kildare
- Hodgestown, Westmeath
- Millerstown, Westmeath
- Primatepark, Louth
- Philipstown, Louth
- Strand Bridge, Wicklow
- Ross Cross Roads, Meath
- Cappagh, Kildare
- Timahoe Cross Roads, Kildare
- Derryvarroge, Kildare
- Steeplestown, Meath
- Clonavoe, Offaly
- Rochestown, Meath
- Roestown, Meath
- Drissoge, Meath
- Mullaghard, Meath
- Ballybatter, Meath
- Boynehill, Meath
- Bailis, Meath
- Kilcarn, Meath
- Knockumber, Meath
- Lobinstown, Meath
- Rathbonny, Meath
- Johnstown, Meath
- Dooroge, Fingal
- Stepaside, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Athgaine Little, Meath
- Tankardstown, Meath
- Sallyford Cross Roads, Laois
- Thomastown, Kildare
- Little Bray, Wicklow
- Old Connaught, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Eadestown, Kildare
- Causestown, Meath
- Greenan, Westmeath
- Graffanstown, Westmeath
- Priesttown, Westmeath
- Mucklin, Westmeath
- Walterstown, Kildare
- Jackson’s Bridge, Kildare
- Courtwood Bridge, Laois
- Belan, Laois
- Dunrally Bridge, Laois
- Clonard, Fingal
- Balruntagh, Meath
- Baldoyle, Meath
- Creroge, Meath
- Glenmore, Kildare
- Punchestown, Kildare
- Watch House Cross Roads, Kildare
- Greenanstown, Meath
- Sillagh, Kildare
- Dunshane, Kildare
- Prosperous, Kildare
- Cloghran, Fingal
- Clogherstown, Meath
- Cabinteely, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Barreen, Kildare
- Boherbaun Lower, Kildare
- Newtown, Louth
- Castleknock, Fingal
- Ballinacor, Wicklow
- Connaught Bridge, Kildare
- Newhall Cross Roads, Kildare
- Morristown Lattin, Kildare
- Victoria Bridge, Kildare
- Limerick Bridge, Kildare
- Leixlip, Kildare
- Brannockstown, Kildare
- Moneymore, Louth
- Robertstown, Kildare
- Castletown Kilberry, Meath
- Ballyorney, Wicklow
- Bahana, Wicklow
- Killough, Wicklow
- Rushwee, Meath
- Kilmacanoge, Wicklow
- Horistown, Meath
- Macreddin, Wicklow
- Gibstown Demesne, Meath
- Otterstown, Meath
- Stocks, Meath
- Clonmore, Meath
- Kildakey, Meath
- Silloge, Meath
- Ponsonby Bridge, Kildare
- Beaumont, Meath
- Kiltrough, Meath
- The Cedars, Wicklow
- Ballyvaltron, Wicklow
- Raharney, Westmeath
- Ballybrack, Kildare
- Courtown Bridge, Kildare
- Clonsast, Kildare
- Iskaroon, Meath
- Greatfurze, Meath
- Martinstown, Meath
- Milestown, Meath
- Oldtown, Meath
- Phoenixtown, Meath
- The Crockan, Meath
- Killamoat, Wicklow
- Kinsaley, Fingal
- Killane, Offaly
- Garrettstown, Carlow
- Bigstone, Kildare
- Hughstown, Kildare
- Greatcommon, Fingal
- Donnybrook, Dublin
- Dunshaughlin, Meath
- Killucan, Westmeath
- Roseborough, Kildare
- Maryfield, Kildare
- Arodstown, Meath
- Vicarstown, Laois
- Cloneybeg, Kildare
- Rathvilla, Offaly
- Cloncreen, Offaly
- Dunsany, Meath
- Castleboy, Meath
- Arlonstown, Meath
- Tullykane, Meath
- Swainstown, Meath
- Ballynare Cross Roads, Meath
- Kilmallin, Wicklow
- Ballybrew, Wicklow
- Curtlestown, Wicklow
- Barnamire, Wicklow
- Aghinree Bridge, Wicklow
- Scallanstown, Meath
- Grangerosnolvan, Kildare
- Kilmacurragh, Wicklow
- Moatfield Cross Roads, Kildare
- Tullytusk, Wicklow
- Rockstown, Wicklow
- Balleese, Wicklow
- Port, Louth
- Fostersfield, Meath
- Eightyeight Acres, Meath
- Wardstown, Meath
- Commons, Meath
- Whistlemount, Meath
- Parkboy, Meath
- Ballinaclogh, Wicklow
- Washington, Kildare
- Bull Ring Cross Roads, Kildare
- Curragh View, Kildare
- Erindale, Kildare
- Windy Harbour, Meath
- Mornington, Meath
- Chapelizod, Dublin
- Ballyboghil, Fingal
- Basketstown, Meath
- Blackcut, Meath
- Drumard, Meath
- Ginnets Great, Meath
- Ginnets Little, Meath
- Dulane, Meath
- Bridgeland, Wicklow
- Johnstown, Meath
- Crumlin, Dublin
- Johnstown, Kildare
- Johnstown, Wexford
- The Five Roads, Fingal
- Alexander Reid, Meath
- Mooretown, Meath
- Harmanstown, Meath
- Kingstown and Carnuff Great, Meath
- Harristown, Meath
- Rathcoffey, Kildare
- Connellmore, Kildare
- Milltown, Kildare
- Stonestown, Westmeath
- Woodtown, Meath
- Boherhole Cross Roads, Kildare
- Rathcarran, Meath
- Vessingtown, Meath
- Ballybrittas, Laois
- Baile Brigín, Fingal
- Baile Dúill, Fingal
- Baldwinstown, Fingal
- Donacarney, Meath
- Donadea, Kildare
- Dollys Grove, Meath
- Donabate, Fingal
- Dollymount, Dublin
- Donaghmore Bridge, Meath
- Glasnevin, Dublin
- Crossanstown, Meath
- Carranstown Little, Meath
- Rathkenna, Meath
- Cranareen, Wicklow
- Knockancarrigan, Wicklow
- Seskin, Wicklow
- Derrynamuck, Wicklow
- Damhliag, Meath
- Canonstown, Louth
- Swords, Fingal
- Ballysmuttan, Wicklow
- Ballylow, Wicklow
- Sroughan, Wicklow
- Ballynatona, Wicklow
- Kilmurry, Kildare
- Baltracey Cross Roads, Kildare
- Lowtown, Wicklow
- Rathtoole, Wicklow
- Ballyhook, Wicklow
- Freynestown, Wicklow
- Knocknamuck, Wicklow
- Crosskeys, Kildare
- Graney, Kildare
- Kingswood, South Dublin
- Belgard, South Dublin
- Cross Keys, Meath
- Gernonstown, Meath
- Coan, Wicklow
- Redford, Wicklow
- Knockshangan, Meath
- Fraine, Meath
- Shanlothe, Meath
- Higginstown, Meath
- Fosterstown, Meath
- Readstown, Meath
- Knightsbrook, Meath
- Bella Byrnes Bridge, Wicklow
- Duncansland, Meath
- Dardistown, Fingal
- Town Parks, Meath
- Drumcondra, Dublin
- Annamoe, Wicklow
- Tallyho, Wicklow
- Saint Doolaghs, Fingal
- Kilmurry, Wicklow
- Kilmore, Dublin
- Trubley, Meath
- Balbrigh, Meath
- Craystown, Meath
- Ennistown, Meath
- Garryduff Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Rockfield, Meath
- Ballylusk, Wicklow
- Aughrim, Wicklow
- Chapelbride, Meath
- Castlepole, Meath
- Slade, South Dublin
- Easton, Kildare
- Fox and Geese, South Dublin
- Reeves, Kildare
- Kiltegan, Wicklow
- Clonbulloge, Offaly
- Dunleever Glebe, Meath
- Naul, Fingal
- Belcamp, Fingal
- Leggagh, Meath
- Wilson’s Bridge, Kildare
- Taghadoe Cross Roads, Kildare
- Assey, Meath
- Derrinturn, Kildare
- Ballylaffin, Wicklow
- Blackrath Gate, Kildare
- Byrnes Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Philpotstown, Meath
- Balsoon, Meath
- Balgill, Meath
- Lidoville, Fingal
- Grennanstown, Meath
- Lackan, Wicklow
- White Hall, Wicklow
- Cloghoge, Wicklow
- Johnstown, Meath
- Scurlockstown, Meath
- Gillstown, Meath
- Bonfield, Meath
- Greenhall Bridge, Wicklow
- Portersize Cross Roads, Kildare
- Crookstown, Kildare
- Cloncat, Meath
- Kilshanchoe, Kildare
- Kilsaran, Louth
- Kilcommon Bridge, Wicklow
- Timahoe, Kildare
- Coolalug Bridge, Wicklow
- Nugentstown, Meath
- Rathmagree, Wicklow
- Rathcoran, Wicklow
- Coolinarrig, Wicklow
- Woodfield, Wicklow
- Boley, Wicklow
- Damastown, Fingal
- Kilcolumb, Westmeath
- Summerton, Fingal
- Luttrellstown, Fingal
- Whitestown, Fingal
- Ballytoole, Wicklow
- Fanning’s Walls, Fingal
- Beldaragh, Fingal
- Durhamstown, Meath
- Derryvilla, Offaly
- Ballally, Meath
- Clane, Kildare
- Moyvally, Kildare
- Ballybrittan, Offaly
- Ballyfore, Offaly
- Clonlack, Offaly
- Kilrush Lower, Westmeath
- Carnybrogan, Westmeath
- Newtown, Westmeath
- Sandy Ford, Wicklow
- Clara, Wicklow
- Newtown Monasterboice, Louth
- Fearmore, Meath
- Nobber, Meath
- Salterstown, Louth
- Sandymount, Dublin
- Ballinagee Bridge, Wicklow
- Garryknock, Wicklow
- Kilbride, Wicklow
- Saint Ann’s Well, South Dublin
- Saggart, South Dublin
- Tallaght, South Dublin
- Kilbride Cross Roads, Meath
- Richardstown, Fingal
- Gracedieu, Fingal
- Walkinstown, South Dublin
- Abbotstown, Fingal
- Toberbeg, Wicklow
- Mount Slaney, Wicklow
- Waterloo Bridge, Wicklow
- Carbury, Kildare
- Corballis, Fingal
- Clonagh, Kildare
- Walterstown, Meath
- Ballybrack, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Johnstown North, Kildare
- Kilkea, Kildare
- Athy, Kildare
- Sandyford, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Lisclogher Great, Westmeath
- Annagassan, Louth
- Mucklon, Kildare
- Boystown, Wicklow
- Ballynavaddog, Meath
- Greatconnell, Kildare
- Garr, Offaly
- Derrygawny, Offaly
- Killowen, Offaly
- Creerin, Wicklow
- Trim, Meath
- Balgriffin, Fingal
- Cruicetown, Meath
- Nurney, Kildare
- Derrindaly, Meath
- Kilmurry, Meath
- Ballymulmore, Meath
- Pubblestown, Meath
- Portanab, Meath
- Painestown, Meath
- Lemonstown Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Ballybraid, Wicklow
- Martry, Meath
- Lackmelch, Meath
- Batterjohn Big, Meath
- Coultry, Fingal
- Kilstillaghan, Fingal
- Kilmainham, Meath
- Ranelagh, Dublin
- Stacumny, Kildare
- Commons, Meath
- Rosetown, Kildare
- Mitchelstown, Meath
- Newtownmoynagh, Meath
- Newrath Bridge, Wicklow
- Stabannan, Louth
- Duke Street, Kildare
- Mitchelstown, Westmeath
- Crowinstown Great, Westmeath
- Loughanstown, Westmeath
- Crowinstown Little, Westmeath
- Bohermeen, Meath
- Downshill, Wicklow
- Sraghmore, Wicklow
- Ballyadam, Kildare
- Ardscull, Kildare
- Irishtown, Kildare
- Ballindrum, Kildare
- Kilday, Wicklow
- Ballyguile, Wicklow
- Dunbur, Wicklow
- Rathtroane, Meath
- Drumdangan, Wicklow
- Fordstown, Meath
- Calliaghstown, Meath
- Oldbridge, Wicklow
- Piercetown, Meath
- Girley, Meath
- Coolnakilly, Wicklow
- Barnbown, Wicklow
- Ballyman, Fingal
- Jordanstown, Meath
- Baile an Ghearlánaigh, Louth
- Esker Bridge, Offaly
- Kiltoome, Meath
- Graigue, Kildare
- Kilcooly, Meath
- Littlerath, Meath
- Whitecommons, Meath
- Esker, South Dublin
- Tinkerslane, Meath
- Timolin, Kildare
- Calverstown, Kildare
- Rathmore, Kildare
- Ferrybank, Wicklow
- Ashbourne, Meath
- Pepperstown, Meath
- Cartenstown, Westmeath
- Martinstown, Westmeath
- Ballyowen, Westmeath
- Milestown, Meath
- Raheen, Wicklow
- Newtown Girley, Meath
- Chamberlainstown, Meath
- Gillstown Great, Meath
- Celbridge, Kildare
- Newtowndonore, Kildare
- Oldtowndonore, Kildare
- Brockagh, Kildare
- Coolaght, Kildare
- Clongorey, Kildare
- Woodenboley, Wicklow
- Derreens, Kildare
- Lugglass Upper, Wicklow
- Splithill Cross Roads, Kildare
- Maddenstown South, Kildare
- Dardistown, Meath
- Cortown, Meath
- Summerseat, Meath
- Ashtown, Wicklow
- Barranisky Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Balliahinch, Wicklow
- Rush, Fingal
- Drewstown Little, Meath
- Ballinaconbeg, Wicklow
- Milemill, Kildare
- Coolagarybeg, Offaly
- Ráth Tó, Meath
- Rathvilly, Carlow
- Meadstown, Meath
- Adamstown, Meath
- Shanbo, Meath
- Macetown, Meath
- Windtown, Meath
- Knocknacree Cross Roads, Kildare
- Ardbrackan, Meath
- Farmhill, Laois
- Askintinny, Wicklow
- Cloon, Wicklow
- Crone, Wicklow
- Calary Lower, Wicklow
- Calary Upper, Wicklow
- Baile Átha Fhirdhia, Louth
- Ardcath, Meath
- Tullygorey, Kildare
- Donagheumper, Kildare
- Oldcourt, Kildare
- Blackrock, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Drumsru, Kildare
- Cloncumber, Kildare
- Huband Bridge, Kildare
- Derrymullen, Kildare
- Shee Bridge, Kildare
- Fort Bridge, South Dublin
- Marlfield, South Dublin
- Woodtown, South Dublin
- Bullhill, Kildare
- Newpark, Kildare
- Davidstown, Kildare
- Cushina, Offaly
- Martin’s Cross, Louth
- Dunany, Louth
- Carton, Kildare
- Knockanree Upper, Wicklow
- Mullaghey, Meath
- Turkstown, Meath
- Mountainpole, Meath
- Ballyfad, Wexford
- Keenan’s Cross, Louth
- Roadstown, Louth
- Coratown Cross, Louth
- Killadoon, Kildare
- Rathcore, Meath
- Cross Keys, Wicklow
- Tober Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Ballyhacket, Carlow
- Ballyhacket Cross Roads, Carlow
- Ballinteskin Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Glasnarget, Wicklow
- Carrigmore, Wicklow
- Cadamstown, Kildare
- Kishawanny, Kildare
- Culmullin, Meath
- Dundrum, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Williamsville, Fingal
- Ballymun, Dublin
- Woodlands, Fingal
- Ballyhagan, Kildare
- Dunderry, Meath
- Hacketstown, Carlow
- Kilgowan, Kildare
- Milltown, Carlow
- Newberry, Kildare
- Newtown, Kildare
- Lockstown Upper, Wicklow
- Brulonstown, Westmeath
- Rathwire Lower, Westmeath
- Oughterard, Kildare
- Thomastown, Westmeath
- Ballyhaw, Westmeath
- Curragha, Meath
- Carragh Bridge, Kildare
- Woodlands, Kildare
- Cooleland Cross Roads, Kildare
- Kilnabooley, Kildare
- Codd, Offaly
- Shane Valley, Offaly
- Dermotstown, Fingal
- Alexandra Bridge, Kildare
- Rathangan, Kildare
- Batterstown, Meath
- Red Hills, Kildare
- Ballykelly Cross Roads, Kildare
- Spencer Bridge, Kildare
- Kilmoney South, Kildare
- Murrays Cross, Louth
- Reynold’s Town, Louth
- Barnhill Cross, Louth
- Kill, Kildare
- Newtown, Meath
- Laracor, Meath
- Clondavan, Meath
- Gainstown, Meath
- Ballykillaneer, Wicklow
- Killinagh, Kildare
- Clogharinka, Kildare
- Coolock, Dublin
- Clonkeen, Kildare
- Rathmolyon, Meath
- Baile an Bhiataigh, Meath
- Bishopland Ballymore Road, Kildare
- Palmerston, Fingal
- Athdown, Wicklow
- Bush, Meath
- Rahilla Glebe, Kildare
- Raheenacrehy, Meath
- Dunlavin, Wicklow
- Dunleer, Louth
- Nags Head, Fingal
- Dunderk, Meath
- Kilcullen, Kildare
- Glencree, Wicklow
- Clonbore, Westmeath
- Kilmeage, Kildare
- Kilmartin, Wicklow
- Mount Neill, Ireland
- Belvue, Westmeath
- Riverdale, Westmeath
- Raharney Little, Westmeath
- Cloghanstown, Westmeath
- Phillinstown, Meath
- Ross, Meath
- Nicholastown, Kildare
- Ballagh Cross Roads, Kildare
- Derrybrennan, Kildare
- Dowthstown, Meath
- Oldtown, Meath
- Newhouse, Louth
- Ardmulchan, Meath
- Follistown, Meath
- Gormanstown, Meath
- Knockadreet, Wicklow
- Ballyduff Cross Roads, Wicklow
- Aghathomas, Meath
- Tobertown, Fingal
- Balscaddan, Fingal
- Addanstown, Meath
- Finlaghtown Great, Meath
- Finlaghtown Little, Meath
- Knockstown, Meath
- Mullagha, Meath
- Moortown, Meath
- Clynch, Meath
- Chamberstown, Meath
- Scottstown, Meath
- Black Bull, Meath
- The Black Bush, Meath
- Rathcoon, Meath
- Rathwire Upper, Westmeath
- Killiney, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
- Ballymakenny, Louth
- Ballyteige Bridge, Wicklow
- Inan, Meath
- Queensborough, Meath
- Mill Land, Westmeath
- Townrath Bridge, Louth
- Gore’s Cross Roads, Kildare
- Beltichburne, Louth
- Baldoyle, Louth
- Cloncurry, Kildare
- Knockballystine Cross Roads, Carlow
- Braystown, Meath
- Monale, Wexford
- Faganstown, Meath
- Southhill, Westmeath
- Clondalkin, South Dublin
- Newtownbert, Kildare
- Glenmalir, Laois
- Killenard, Laois
- Mullaghroe, Meath
- Coghalstown, Meath
- Newcastle, South Dublin
- Knock, Meath
- Ballymore Eustace, Kildare
- Cooljohn, Meath
- Castletownmoor, Meath
- Gallows Glen, Kildare
- Oakfield, Kildare
- Dunsink, Dublin
- Black Bridge, Wicklow
- Blainroe, Wicklow
- Ballymoyle, Wicklow
- Hollywood, Wicklow
- Kilteel, Kildare
- Athronan, Meath
- Irishford, Meath
- Devonshire Bridge, Kildare
- Kilwarden, Kildare
- Phillistown, Meath
- Oakstown, Meath
- Clonfane, Meath
- Woodside, Meath
- Colbinstown, Kildare
- Caulstown, Meath
- Loughshinny, Fingal
- Raheny, Dublin
- Clogherhead, Louth
- Artane, Dublin
- Kilbarrack, Fingal
- Cloney, Kildare
- Drumleck, Fingal
- Collierstown, Meath
- Collegeland, Meath
- Collann, Louth
- Feltrim, Fingal
- Talbotstown, Wicklow
- Balrath, Meath
- Ballard, Wicklow
- Ballard, Wicklow
- Ballynamona, Meath
- Balgeeth, Meath
- Balgeeth, Meath
- Ballivor, Meath
- Ballivor, Meath
- Ballydowling, Wicklow
- Ballydowling, Wicklow
- Ballyknockan, Wicklow
- Bellewstown, Meath
- Betaghstown, Meath
- Balrath, Meath
- Clonmore, Offaly
- Castletown, Meath
Recent fares
- Parnell Street, Dublin, D01, Ireland to Heuston Station, Dublin, D08, Ireland
- Wyvern, Killiney, County Dublin A96, Ireland to Enniskerry, Wicklow, Ireland
- -33 Arran Street East, Dublin, D07, Ireland to Merrion Road, Dublin, D04, Ireland
- College Green, Dublin, D02, Ireland to Dunboyne Castle, Dunboyne, Meath A86, Ireland
- Churchwell Avenue, Dublin, D13, Ireland to Vernon Avenue, Dublin, D03, Ireland
- Westland Row, Dublin, D02, Ireland to Powerscourt, Wicklow, Ireland
- -8 Wellington Quay, Dublin, D02, Ireland to Malahide Castle Access Road, Malahide, County Dublin K36, Ireland
- Airport Business Campus, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland to C15, Navan, Meath, Ireland
- Airport Business Campus, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland to Limerick, Ireland
- Airport Business Campus, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland to St Catherine's Park, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin A96, Ireland
- Balrath Road, Ceanannas Mór, Meath A82, Ireland to Navan, Meath, Ireland
- Barnageeragh Road, Skerries to D15 XV4H
- Bayside Shopping Centre, Bayside Square East, Sutton, Dublin to Cabinteely Village, Dublin
- Biscayne, Malahide, County Dublin K36, Ireland to Tankardstown, Laois, Ireland
- Blanchardstown, County Dublin, Ireland to Pelletstown Manor, Dublin, D15, Ireland
- College Green, Dublin, D02, Ireland to Dunboyne Castle, Dunboyne, Meath A86, Ireland
- Collinstown Lane, Dublin, County Dublin K67, Ireland to Townsend Street, Dublin, D02, Ireland
- Crossing Point, Dublin, County Dublin K67, Ireland to Clonsilla Road, Blanchardstown, County Dublin D15, Ireland
- Crossing Point, Dublin, County Dublin K67, Ireland to Iveragh Road, Dublin, D09, Ireland
- Dublin Airport Business Park, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland to Ballymore Eustace, Kildare, Ireland
- Dublin Airport Business Park, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland to Burlington Road, Dublin, D04, Ireland
- Dublin Airport Business Park, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland to D01, Dublin, Ireland
- Dublin Airport Business Park, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland to Dorset Street Lower, Dublin, D01, Ireland
- Dublin Airport Business Park, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland to Grangegorman Upper, Dublin, D07, Ireland
- Dublin Airport Business Park, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland to Portmarnock, County Dublin, Ireland
- Dublin Airport Business Park, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland to Temple Bar, Dublin, D02, Ireland
- Dublin Airport Business Park, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland to Temple Street North, Dublin, D01, Ireland
- Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland to Blanchardstown, County Dublin, Ireland
- Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland to Donard, Wicklow, Ireland
- Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland to Galway, County Galway, Ireland
- Dublin, Ireland to Cashel, Tipperary, Ireland
- Dublin, Ireland to Cork, Ireland
- Dublin, Ireland to Dublin Airport Business Park, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland
- Dublin, Ireland to Dundalk, Louth, Ireland
- Dublin, Ireland to Galway, County Galway, Ireland
- Dublin, Ireland to Gorey, Wexford, Ireland
- Dublin, Ireland to Saint Mullins Road, Tinnahinch, Carlow R95, Ireland
- Dublin, Ireland to Tankardstown, Carlow, Ireland
- Dublin Road, Dundalk, Louth A91, Ireland to Castlebellingham, Louth, Ireland
- Eccles Street, Dublin, D07, Ireland to Heuston Station, Dublin, D08, Ireland
- Gorey, Wexford, Ireland to Shankill, County Dublin, Ireland
- Hazelhatch Road, Celbridge, Kildare W23, Ireland to Heuston Station, Dublin, D08, Ireland
- Heuston Station, Dublin, D08, Ireland to Drumcondra Road Lower, Dublin, D09, Ireland
- Heuston Station, Dublin, D08, Ireland to Powerscourt, Wicklow, Ireland
- Howth, County Dublin, Ireland to Clonsilla Close, Blanchardstown, County Dublin D15, Ireland
- K67, Swords, County Dublin, Ireland to Francis Street, Dublin, D08, Ireland
- Leopardstown Shopping Centre, Glencullen, County Dublin D18, Ireland to Airport Business Campus, Dublin, County Dublin D09, Ireland
- Lime Street, Dublin, D02, Ireland to Ringsend Road, Dublin, D04, Ireland
- Malahide Train Station to The Crescent
- O'Connell Street Upper to D15 XV4H