Michael Appleton (mikeyappleton)
Ride Apprentice
Part-time driver: Uber & Lyft
34 DriverActivity
Posts by mikeyappleton
Extra passengers
Anyone ever get a group of 5-6 people for a 5-seater sedan? This is my biggest pet peeve!! Request an …
I will say, it is nice to receive a nice note from a passenger. Makes me smile, especially those days when you have a not so nice passenger or two
ha! that's what garages are for, right??
Totally agree! Love it when I have a passenger who actually wants to talk and enjoy the ride
Ugh so torn on this... totally get why they don't so it's equal for everyone but I always want to know!!!
I drive for both and prefer Lyft always. Lyft offers crazy incentives to get you to drive more, lots of bonuses and extra cash if you meet a certain number of rides in a certain timeframe. Everyone I've worked with there has always been so helpful.... can't say the same for Uber at all - not as personal or responsive
I've only gotten tips driving for Lyft - none ever from Uber. I just don't think that passengers know it's even an option...