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Extra passengers

{{ ratingSum }}
34 Driver
 Posted 7 years, 10 months ago

Anyone ever get a group of 5-6 people for a 5-seater sedan? This is my biggest pet peeve!! Request an XL car/SVU if you have that many people instead of putting me in an awkward position to say no to an unsafe ride, ugh!

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    This happened to me quite a few times. This particular night  I get a request for Uber X I can seat 4 safely. I pull up there are 3 people they say we are waiting for one more. I am paying no attention to back seat they say ok we are good I start trip get 5  blocks from pick up look in rear view mirror I have 4 in back 1 in front. So what do I do? Do I say something? Do I end trip there and boot them out? I am sure you are all saying I would of. Lol There is 5 of them one of me, oh forgot to mention I am not in a very good neighborhood. Do I call police? I probably won't get past 91 before one of them can take my phone and if I can connect with 911 chances are police will not be there before I am beaten and my car is on cinder blocks. So I take my time ride the right lane nice and slow, stay away from traffic. We get to destination still in another crappy hood. I quickly end trip. The person they are meeting doesn't answer their call so they are not moving out of my car. Uh …


    This happened to me quite a few times. This particular night  I get a request for Uber X I can seat 4 safely. I pull up there are 3 people they say we are waiting for one more. I am paying no attention to back seat they say ok we are good I start trip get 5  blocks from pick up look in rear view mirror I have 4 in back 1 in front. So what do I do? Do I say something? Do I end trip there and boot them out? I am sure you are all saying I would of. Lol There is 5 of them one of me, oh forgot to mention I am not in a very good neighborhood. Do I call police? I probably won't get past 91 before one of them can take my phone and if I can connect with 911 chances are police will not be there before I am beaten and my car is on cinder blocks. So I take my time ride the right lane nice and slow, stay away from traffic. We get to destination still in another crappy hood. I quickly end trip. The person they are meeting doesn't answer their call so they are not moving out of my car. Uh hello trips over. So they continue to sit in my car for 10 min deciding what to do. Fnally I get another rider so  I find my voice and get the courage to say "I got to go" . Still another 2 min. go by. Finally guy comes out and they get their stuff out of my trunk and go on their way. Now I pull up with doors locked and don't unlock until I know how many are getting in my car. I've learned quite a few lessons driving for Uber this past year.

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    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      250 Rider
       6 years ago

      Oh, man, I am so sorry you had to experience that.  That's crazy!!  

      I think you did exctly the right thing.   things.   You couldn't say anything about the four in the backseat.  That's tough.  Uncomfortable, but keep going.  The trip was over, but they didn't get out...I mean, what can you do?

      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      You must have given a big hug to the next rider who requested a trip! (and I hope you weren't late)

      This story is sending chills down my spines to hear this story. 

      Thanks for sharing the story.

      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      You couldn't quite have called the cops.  Those guys didn't do anything wrong.  You feeling uncomfortable doesn't make it a crime.   I do emphatize though.

      I don't even wanna know what was in that trunk!!

    {{ ratingSum }}
    269 Driver
     6 years ago

    First of all, our 5-seater sedans are UberX, and hence we are asked to only carry 4 passengers. (not counting the driver)

    Second, yes, I get this multiple instances every month.  Usually on the weekends from bars with young college students.  I think they are either trying to save money, or trying to scam the driver (by hoping a SUV would show up - but still get the cheaper UberX price).

    Yes, I know.  They always say they can fit in  One guy would say, "I can lie across everyone."  Another girl says, "I can sit on a lap. I am small! (all braggingly)" 

    Never never never accept.  Tell them that it is illegal and you cannot operate the vehicle.  You may lose your license and get ticketed.  (actually, I am not sure if you'd lose your license, but just say it.)

    If they insist, cancel the ride and move on.   Oh, btw, do not start the trip by any mean.  Just cancel before the trip starts, and the pax cannot rate you.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    Five cesspool passengers .You all deserve eachother

    {{ ratingSum }}
    223 Rider
     7 years ago

    This. Exactly. I get so pissed off when this happens! Uber is so cheap already, you really need to try to squeeze extra people into the car to save even more money? AND its so easy to order the XL instead of the X - its not like a taxi cab that you have to flag down so you get what you can take.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    330 Rider
     7 years ago

    I hear your frustrations, but let me add a perspective from a rider's perspective. In the areas that I take Uber (I take Black), 9 out of 10 times I call an Uber, a Suburban or similar always shows up.  When I am alone, it almost feels silly for sure.

    You know what I am getting at, right?  Yes, when I am with my friends, and I am sure other people do it too, we call a regular Uber Black banking on the fact that an SUV shows up anyways.  Did I mention 9 out of 10 times...?

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      I understand what you are saying. If course you want to pick something that cost less. I totally get that. Here is my thoughts not that you asked lol. If fare for Uber X us 10.00 and SUV is 16.00 and you have 5 people to split it it's 2.00 per for X and 3.20 per for XL. Do you really need to put driver through coming to you wasting their time, gas, and another fare possibly a good fare to save 1.20 each? Sorry but that's just not right. We are not out here because we have money and are bored. We are trying to pay bills, feed and shelter our children, etc. Just think that's wrong to save a buck or 2.

      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      I noticed that your commnt is a year old. I don't know what it was like then, but Uber did crack down on this. 

      Drivers would report this to Uber and they would immediatley adjust the fare to be for UberXL.

      Again, this is why WebCam is importannt.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        I agree with the webcam. I started driving for Uber only on weekends for a few months. Circumstances has me now driving longer than few months and more hours. In the beginning I didn't run into these problems. The longer/more I drive the more problems I encounter. Definitely investing in web came. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
      560 Driver
       7 years ago

      You are evil.  ...but this is insightful.  I am not sure if I thought about that.   I drive a Lexus RX (not as big as a Suburban), and I do make the biggest bucks on Friday and Saturday nights, due to being able to get higher fares.  

      You know... maybe I understand if you've got 3 or maybe 4 people (where one can sit in the front), but if you have 5 or more, that just doesn't make sense.