Ride Apprentice
Posts by rectorma34
Is new LAX laws really that bad? Perhaps not?
According to this journalist, using the new LAX pickup system was a breeze. So which is it people?!https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/airli1ne-news/2019/11/06/lax-uber-lyft-rides-pickup-lax-it-los-angeles-airport/4174979002/
I have done it before. You will have to pay a minimum fare so it might seem more expensive than you would figure for a super short ride but I believe driver's are happy to do it.
Thanks for sharing. They are pushing it hard huh. I can see why some drivers signed t his thinking it would benefit them, so sad.
Wow, this is so messed up. Was the petition worded confusingly? I am not a driver but trying to understand how this happened.
I believe they have forever... You can always go back in your app and rate your driver.
LOL, I wouldn't be surprised if Uber did this 😤
Absolutely, I do this all the time.
I have never gotten the regulars thing. How do you get regulars on the Uber app? Do you arrange rides with them outside of the app and if so does your insurance cover that?
Definitely depends on how busy the night is! That is always key, if it is a slow night, I do not mind at all.