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Can I use either one Lyft or Uber for just a one way to come home with groceries?

{{ ratingSum }}
5 Rider
 Posted 6 years ago

Thiking on taking a walk and will need to request a ride back home.... with groceries. would it be okay to request a ride home with my groceries? Any $$, beside of cause the tip for allowing you to use their car for the service?


    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    Yes, no problem. I live near a shopping center and a mall. I get frequent rides to these places. I have no problem helping load and unload as I find it to be quicker to get back on the road and for me it's the right thing to do. I've heard stories though where some people try to load large items such as tv's and other big items. I wouldnt suggest that unless you contact your driver and ask first. 

    2 stories about trips with riders who had packages/bags. Just thought I would share even though you asked a yes or no question😊 My answers are never short more like a chapter in a book.😊

    I have SUV so I drive X & XL. A few weeks ago on a hot humid day I had someone order Uber XL I pull up & a man walks the 150' + to my truck & says " me & my mom have 5 bags is that ok"? My reply, "sure". Big mistake! They were moving & headed to hotel overnight.  They had 9 or 10 big bags and several small bags. My SUV has trunk space, a 3rd row of seats, my front seat, and sp…


    Yes, no problem. I live near a shopping center and a mall. I get frequent rides to these places. I have no problem helping load and unload as I find it to be quicker to get back on the road and for me it's the right thing to do. I've heard stories though where some people try to load large items such as tv's and other big items. I wouldnt suggest that unless you contact your driver and ask first. 

    2 stories about trips with riders who had packages/bags. Just thought I would share even though you asked a yes or no question😊 My answers are never short more like a chapter in a book.😊

    I have SUV so I drive X & XL. A few weeks ago on a hot humid day I had someone order Uber XL I pull up & a man walks the 150' + to my truck & says " me & my mom have 5 bags is that ok"? My reply, "sure". Big mistake! They were moving & headed to hotel overnight.  They had 9 or 10 big bags and several small bags. My SUV has trunk space, a 3rd row of seats, my front seat, and space next to the 2 riders. Yes, they were all full. At one point I got out and met the man half way to help because it took 15 min to load up car. Mom got in & prayed out loud for me for 5 min for helping them. Love prayers, appreciated it, but it was over kill. The son told me about 50X how sweet I was and how they were going to tip me. I all ready helped load car didnt need to be told I would be tipped as I all ready knew I was not getting tipped. You can tell when someone says they will tip on app and you know they have no intention of doing it.   As we pulled into parking lot I got another ride. They had to check in and then the truck had to be unloaded. They thanked me, mom said another prayer, son said just one more time how sweet I was and tip will go on the app. Guess what No Tip. I made 11.77 on that trip as it was a short trip. 

    Last night got a XL request. Son texted me gave me description of his mom, where she was standing, asked me to put AC on as she was going through menopause lol, could I help her with bags? Texted back sure. I thought it was nice that he gave me info and also sweet he looked out for his mom. He then texted "I will tip you have my WORD". I found her easily, she had a few light weight bags. Loaded car.  Had great conversation and she was very sweet. As we pull up she says I told my son to tip you on the app. I thanked her. Got to her place carried bags in and went on my way. Most people who say they will tip on app DON'T. I dont know why they feel the need to lie other than they dont want you to think they are rude  cheap, whatever. My advice is if you are not going to tip dont tell driver you are going to. Anyway I didnt doubt this woman or her son. Sure enough they did tip $15.00. I never expected that much but it was very nice that they did that and very much sppreciated.



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    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    Absolutely, I do this all the time.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    107 Driver
     6 years ago

    Yep! I drive for Uber and don't mind picking up people with their groceries. Just don't go buying some stinky anchoive pizza and carrying that back home in my car :)

    {{ ratingSum }}
    810 Driver
     6 years ago

    Absolutely OK, happens all the time, just load groceries into the trunk when driver arrives