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Looking for women Drivers and Riders

{{ ratingSum }}
10 Rider
 Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

Hey everyone, 

My name is Zara and I'm currently a third-year student studying geography at university. I am completing my dissertation on the gig-economy and gender, focusing particularly on capitalist platforms such as Uber and why not as many work for Uber and if they do what are their experiences as well as what it is like for women riders. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts from anyone who is willing to take part in an online interview where you would answer a few questions I have on the topic, how it's done will fit around your schedule. 

If this interests you and you have thoughts and feeling to express, or you are a women driver or knows someone who is and their experiences and would be comfortable taking part in a short online interview then it would be much appreciated. 

If you would like to get in touch reply to my post here or email me at [email protected] 

Many Thanks 




    {{ ratingSum }}
    -1 Driver
     2 years ago  (edited 2 years ago)

    I would like to know more about the salaries you offer? Because I am also working in taxi driving and I am a college student now, for this I use this source to be able to do my homework and work, besides I am glad that I am doing everything independently and I am learning a lot of new stuff, like Ethos Pathos Logos Analysis; this is very interesting and it saves me time on the writing I do, usually homework does not take me 1-2 hours and I could work until 12 in the evening, so in total I could work 7~ hours. If it suits me after my salary then I would be interested to switch to you.