Ask a Driver
Do you have questions for your Uber anad Lyft drivers? What about tips and suggestions? Whether you are a driver or a rider, share your comments here and get responses from real rideshare drivers.
If you were the new CEO of Uber, with absolute power, what would be the first thing you'd change?
I am asking the current Uber drivers, but anyone's welcome.
If drivers are really losing money with Uber then why do you keep driving for Uber?
I just don't get it, everyone always complains that they don't make any money with Uber but if you really …
What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?
As a driver, have you kicked out a passenger? Ended a ride early mid-trip?
Please do share. Remember when some dude died after getting kicked off Lyft? I can't help it to think he …
Casting rideshare/delivery driver for TV commercial
Hi there!We are shooting a TV commercial for a well-known, national brand in the US and are looking for …
Can I ask my Uber driver to NOT record me with his webcam? If I do not want to be recorded, shouldn't I be able to request that?
Even calling into a customer service call (at a bank or whatever), we have the choice of asking not to …
Is Uber eats worth it for drivers?
Pay backs for bad behavior, being a jerk to your Uber driver
Let me set the background for you not busy, pouring out, chilly, area full of Ubers as 8 in 1 …
As a ride share driver, what is your worst nightmare?
Being wrongly accused and not having proof to the contrary. With dashcam and two other hidden cameras and five audio …
Quick Survey for Rideshare Workers
Hey everyone! Sorry to intrude. I'm a high school student conducting research on the gig economy.I'm conducting a quick …
As a driver, have you ever arrived for pickup and then decided to refuse/cancel the ride?
Does crime play a role in your day to day driving itinerary?
We've all had it happen. You get pinged to a rough part of town. You pick up two riders with …
As a driver and a person who knows what they go through, what do you think justifies a less than 5 star rating for another driver?
Hmmm… First and foremost it is a big leap from what some of these other answers have suggested (about being …
All you clever drivers, any ideas on how to make the connection/pickup process smoother or more foolproof?
Uber tends to place the pin at the rear entrance of most addresses. Savvy riders place the pin advantageously. Autofill …
What are ways Uber drivers make money besides driving?
After 50 Uber rides, I finally ran into an Uber driver who had a sundry shop open in his car. …
As an Uber/Lyft driver, how has driving affected your family/relationship life?
Anyone with 1000 rides or better can tell you ride share is no fun and games. You have your moments …
Do Uber and Lyft drivers mind picking up another passenger if it means they have to wait 5 to 10 minutes?
This is for the drivers. Do you guys mind picking me up, and then picking up someone else up, it …
Do drivers care if the passengers wear seatbelts? Do they enforce it? Maybe downvote passengers who don't?
I heard this really irritates the drivers?
You drivers that have been doing this for a while and have thousands of passenger trips, do you believe people are mostly good or mostly bad
I am disappointed in what I have seen in terms of the quality of people who use ride share transportation. …
What do you do with your time while you wait for the ping?
I've been at this for a few years now and I still look for new and interesting ways to make …